Chapter 11

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Seokjin's scared eyes met with Hoseok's. It was safe to say that the oldest felt hopeless. The youngest member was currently in his arms and his arms where they only thing that prevented the boy from collapsing towards the ground and choking on the remaining fluids in his lungs. But Jungkook wasn't the only one he was concerned about.

The sunshine member who was staring back at him with fearful eyes had just fainted in front of him eyes and right now the boy was cradling another member who had collapsed as well. The small boy holding Yoongi's uninjured arm tried to hurt himself minutes ago and Seokjin was afraid what he was going to do next if nobody was watching him. The other 95-liner was lying on one of the beds with his back not healing as it should have been. As if that wasn't enough, the only uninjured member that remained was currently puking his guts out in the bathroom.

A loud cough made his ear ring and Seokjin looked down at the moaning boy in his arms. He could tell that Jungkook was getting exhausted due to coughing with this much force and frequency. His limp body was heavy in his arms and cold chills were running through both their bodies as they were pressed against the cold tiles underneath them. Seokjin looked at the semi comfortable beds on the other side of the room and wished they were within his reach. But of course, they weren't.


"Namjoon?" he asked louder when the rapper in the bathroom didn't seem to hear him. The oldest wanted to give up, but then he heard the toilet being flushed before Namjoon returned. Seokjin swallowed nervously at the pale shaking form that was coming closer to him. He knew the boy wasn't injured, but being hurt doesn't always include having physical wounds.

"Hey you ok?" he asked when the youngest rapper knelt in front of them. Namjoon nodded carefully and looked at the wheezing boy in his arms. He reached out to rubbed the boy's arm but his hand slipped when Jungkook started to cough once again.

"Hu- rts" the youngest whispered. Seokjin want to cry after hearing the single word, but since he was the only remaining unhurt member he decided to put his emotions aside. 'I can cry later. They need me now' he thought and looked more determined at the 94-liner in front of him.

"Help me get him to one of the beds" he said. Namjoon nodded and moved his arms around the youngest to lift him in his own lap so the older one could move freely. Seokjin stretched his legs, causing his knees to pop at the movements before he stood up. "No no, let me take him. You're shaking too much" he quickly stopped the rapper from carrying Jungkook. The maknae coughed as he was lifted back into the oldest one's arms again and let the water from his lungs drip from his mouth.

"Is all of that coming from his lungs?" Namjoon asked with widened eyes. Seokjin looked confused and looked down at where the boy was pointing. The finger was directed at his own shirt and it was only then when the oldest noticed how wet his own shirt had become. Jungkook's head had been resting his chest earlier so the water from his lungs ended up in his lap.

"Yes it is, but it is becoming less" Seokjin said, half trying to reassuring the younger one. To defend himself, he was telling the truth for the most part. The boy was coughing less water every time, but Jungkook was also getting weaker. The oldest could only pray that Jungkook would be strong enough the endure a little longer, because if he stopped coughing at all, the water would remain in his lungs and that would be much worse.

Seokjin carried the wheezing boy to the beds and lowered him to the ground in the corner. He guided Jungkook so he could rest against the wall since sitting was betting than lying down, but he looked alarmed when the younger one wasn't even strong enough to hold his own weight. The oldest cursed and saw Namjoon getting anxious as his reaction.

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