Chapter 2

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Yoongi was relieved when he saw Jungkook running away from the fight, but the relief was of short notice when the maknae fell to the ground almost immediately. The strong men he and Seokjin were fighting had grabbed the boy's slim ankle. Yoongi tried to punch the man but he couldn't since he was pinned down by the heavy weight. The weight even increased for a moment when Seokjin had jumped on the man's back and the rapper felt his heart glow with pride when he saw his only hyung hit the man's face with his fist. He heard Jungkook stand up again, so he decided to focus back on the fight on top of him.

Seokjin's hit was strong enough to stung the man for a moment, so Yoongi took his chance and kneed the man in his private parts. The attacker grunted and doubled over in pain. The rapper quickly moved from underneath him, and it was for the first time he thought they were on the wining side.

But then he heard Jungkook's scream. A scream he wished to never hear again. He looked up and spotted their youngest lying on the ground, electric shocks going through his body. The leader of the attackers was standing over him, taser pointed at the struggling boy.

"No stop! Don't hurt him!"


"Please stop!"

Yoongi didn't had to turn around to know that the others had stopped fighting as well.

"Please stop, he's just a kid"

He heard Seokjin plead. But the leader paid no attention to the desperate yells of the others. After 10 seconds he finally lifted the taser and the screams stopped. They saw Jungkook's body slump with relief. The boy was lying on his side, panting hard as if he had run a marathon and every now and then a single shock went through his body, trying to release the remaining electric energy.

"I will repeat myself for one last time: come with us without fighting or your precious maknae will be grilled as a fly on an electric bug zapper racket" the oldest growled annoyed.

Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin and Yoongi nodded and stood up with their hands in the air. The two strong men stood up as well and pushed the boys a little too rough towards the front door. Once outside, the boys spotted a black van with the two other men standing nearby. One of them opened the back doors and the members gasped when they saw Jimin and Taehyung lying on the ground, arms tied behind their backs.

"Hyung! What's going on?" Taehyung asked

"Shut up!" one of the men growled, causing the second youngest to close his mouth immediately. The man then tied the hands of the other boys one by one before he pushed them in the back of the van as well, causing them to fall on top of each other. At last, the leader came towards the car carrying a still shaking Jungkook over his shoulder. He almost threw the boy on Namjoon and closed the doors, leaving the boys in the darkness.

"Jungkook-ah, are you okay?" Namjoon asked as he tried to move Jungkook so he was leaning against his chest, but it looked a bit awkward since his arms were tied behind his back.

"I-'m fi-ne hy-ung" the voice stuttered from the shocks.

"What happened?" They heard Jimin's worried voice. It was too dark to see where he was lying on the ground, but Namjoon guessed it was coming from his right side.

"He tasered him" the leader explained. Jungkook moaned when a particular big shock run through his body. Namjoon winced as he could feel every muscle contracted since the maknae was lying completely on top of him.

"No no, this can't be happening" Taehyung whispered.

"Did they hurt you?" Seokjin's voice popped up.

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