Chapter 19

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Sejin was getting nervous. His legs were tapping in the small pace in the back of the car and his eyes darted to his phone every few seconds. They were getting closer to their destination, but it was still 10 minutes before they would arrive. And they didn't even know if the house was the right one. 'What if it isn't the right house? What if they are on the opposite side of the forest? Where are the boys right now?' these kinds of questions ran through the manager's head ever since they had received the call about the new location.

He looked at his phone again as if their location had changed dramatically in the last 5 seconds, but then he noticed some movement on the live stream. The laptop was still open and seated in between him and the detective, but the device was mostly ignored after the boys had escaped. The men had stopped watching the video after a few minutes when the boys were gone, because it looked like the live stream was frozen and stuck on the same image of the 7 abandoned chains. The only indication that the connection was still there, were the blurry movements outside seen through the open back door.

Up until Sejin saw something else move as well, but this time in the house itself. His heart skipped a beat when he heard someone coming closer and within a second pure chaos erupted. A pair of shoes were seen before an unknown voice shouted for the others and then 5 five men were shouting and yelling. Sejin saw how a man had picked up Namjoon's chain and threw it across the room.

"FIND THEM!" the man yelled. And as soon as the men had arrived, as soon they were leaving again. But this time through the back door, where Sejin had last seen the boys. Sejin visibly paled and he heard the detective curse next to him.

"How far?!!" the older man asked the driver.

"9 minutes sir"

"Drive as fast as you can!"

Sejin was grateful for the detective's help, but hearing the distressed tone of the older one didn't help to calm his nerves at all. The manager was tapping his legs even harder and faster, and his hands were getting wet with sweat. He started to bite his lip as well, not noticing that he eventually tasted blood on his tongue.

9 minutes felt like 9 hours but eventually they saw some outlines of a large house in the middle of the forest with two black vans parked outside. The house itself looked normal, so Sejin's anxiety only grew and he jumped out of the car before the driver had parked it.

"Sejin stop!" but he didn't. How could he stop when the house was right in front of him. Every second counted, so he didn't want to stop.


"Stop!" and suddenly he felt a large hand grab his arm and pull him backwards harshly. The manager stumbled and was about to continue what he was doing but the strong grip on his arm remained. Sejin's eyes traveled from the hand towards the body that was attached to it and he finally noticed that it was the detective. The older man was standing in front of him, shielding him whilst his other hand was caring a gun.

A gun.

Sejin swallowed. He had never seen a gun this close before. And he finally realized how dangerous this situation was. They had seen how many weapons the kidnappers possessed, and who knows what else they got. The detective motioned him to keep his head low and together they moved closer towards the front of the house. They stopped moving when they where underneath the window next to the door and the detective signaled him to keep quiet. The manager nodded nervously and almost grabbed the older man's arm when he slowly made himself taller.

The detective carefully inched closer towards the window to peek inside. His eyes could barely look above windowsill before the man quickly grabbed his phone and called someone.

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