Chapter 13

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The five men looked proud at their own made set-up. The boys were forced to stand next to each other in a line in the center of the empty living room, with their arms tied above their heads. The leader had set up the hand-held camera on a tripod and directed it at the members.

"We got multiple requests for a live stream" the old man said "But first we will give you some time to get used to your new surroundings before we start with the next round" He watched with pleasure in his eyes how the boys were reacting differently to the news.

Taehyung wasn't standing still for more than one second, trying to find a position without hurting his back. If looks could kill, he would have easily died when he saw the murderous look on the youngster's face. The boy next to him, Jimin, was a begging mess. And since he was positioned in between two tall members, he looked really small and vulnerable. Namjoon and Seokjin were holding theirs grounds rather well and tried to reason with the attackers, carefully picking their words. Next to the oldest was Jungkook, who struggled to lift his head when another set of coughs wrecked his body. And the last two boys were shouting with protests through gritted teeth because their injured limbs were screaming with pain. Yoongi was leaning slightly to the right side so his left shoulder was less strained and Hoseok was standing on his right leg with injured leg bent to relieve the pain.

The leader frowned when Jungkook was coughing once more so he moved to stand in front of him. The remaining boys tensed when the man got closer and saw how he lifted the maknae's head with his hand.

"Getting sick, aren't you?" the kidnapper said when he observed the pale but flushed face.

"Hyung?" Jungkook whispered confused, thinking that the big hand underneath his chin belonged to one of the members. The small but meaningful word caused something to snap in Taehyung. His blood was boiling when he saw the man standing too close to his only donsaeng, the only member who called him 'hyung'. And he could do nothing but witness how fragile the maknae was as his feverish mind thought that the attacker was one of his hyungs. A hidden surge of protectiveness bubbled up, causing him to focus on only one thing: 'Protect him'. And that was he did.

"Get the fuck away from him, you f********** (not all words are suitable to write down if younger readers are reading this as well...)" Taehyung screamed, his loud voice was heard loud and clear above the other voices. Seokjin looked surprised at the second youngest, not knowing that the boy's vocabulary contained these kind of foul words.

"Tae stop it" Namjoon warned the screaming boy, but it was already too late since the leader released Jungkook's head and moved towards the boy on the far right.

"What did you say?" the man asked dangerously, but before Taehyung could repeat his words, his airway was cut off by the same large hand that had confused the youngest. Multiple shouts and pleads were heard as the others witnessed how the boy was being strangled. Taehyung's mouth was open, trying desperately to suck in some air, but he couldn't. His face was getting redder and his legs were moving frantically as he tried to get away from the strong hold around his neck. The older man waited for the boy to nearly lose consciousness before he released his grip.

Taehyung sucked in a big breath, followed by more irregular and desperate breaths as he tried to regain a normal breathing patron again and compensate for the period without getting oxygen. The rest of the members were calling for him and the boy could hear the worry in their voices. Once his vision was almost cleared completely, he lifted his head and his eyes immediately went to find Jungkook. The sick boy's eyes were looking tiredly at the ground, but he could see that his gaze was unfocused.

"Tae?" he heard Namjoon ask, so he turned towards the rapper and noticed that everyone, except Jungkook, was looking at him with concerned faces. He instantly felt guilty for putting up such tantrum and caused his hyungs more worries.

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