Chapter 34

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The next morning started off relatively calm. Seokjin and Yoongi were keeping Hoseok company and across the hallway were Namjoon and Jimin, who were sitting in front of Taehyung's window. Nobody was currently allowed in Jungkook's room, since the neurologist was doing a full check-up on him to determine if the boy had suffered from brain damage.

"How long do you think the neurologist needs? He's in there a long time" Hoseok asked concerned. Yoongi looked at the wall and nearly chuckled "Hobi, it has been 10 minutes"

"Doesn't feel like it" the dancer mumbled. But before the older member could say something else, he heard his name being called and when he looked at his left he noticed the psychologist. It was the same woman who had talked to him and Namjoon after their talk with Sejin, and even though it felt like a relief that it was the same person, he still couldn't help to feel anxious seeing a stranger standing close to him. But it helped a lot that the members were allowed to talk to her in pairs, so they wouldn't be alone.

"Jimin, can you follow me as well?" the woman asked and the change of pairs made Yoongi pause for a moment. The psychologist noticed the hesitation so she quickly explained herself "I changed the pairing since you and Jimin were found together in the forest, and the same counts for Seokjin and Namjoon" The rapper nodded, but despite feeling suspicious he went to Jimin to help him to get to the waiting room again. The waiting room could barely be called waiting room anymore, since it was Sejin's bedroom first, and then their room to talk to each other in private and now it was used for therapy sessions.

And while Yoongi and Jimin were gone with the psychologist, Namjoon was waiting patiently in the hallway with the oldest member. It was a relief to hear that Taehyung's fever was better controlled at the moment and that he had remained calm, but it was too soon to jump to conclusions yet. They had to use a lot of medication that get him this far, and because of it the boy wasn't responding at the moment, so Namjoon got a bit bored.

He glanced behind him and noticed that Seokjin was still a zombie, so he proposed to switch seats with him. But talking to Hoseok wasn't exactly too exciting as well, since the sunshine member could only talk about the neurologist and he kept glancing over Namjoon's shoulder to check if Taehyung had moved.

"How long does a neurological check up usually take? 15 minutes?" the dancer asked nervously

"I don't know Hobi, but I think it's longer than that"

"It has been 26 minutes! I think something is wrong, why is it taking so long?"

"Hobi please" Namjoon sighed. He was really getting tired of reassuring a member who clearly wasn't listening to anything he was saying. Nothing he said could reassure him, not until he saw the maknae with his own eyes.

"Look, if Jungkook wasn't responding at all, then the neurologist would have finished a long time ago"

"Why wouldn't he respond?" Hoseok asked confused. 'Oh boy' Namjoon thought and his body froze instantly. In his frustration he didn't really think about what Hoseok did or did not know about the others, like Jungkook's condition. And it turned out that a mistake was easily made, but hard to fix.

"He uhh well he" the younger one started and cleared his throat nervously. There was no way he could keep the brain damage part from the other 94-liner anymore. Not if he came up with a brilliant excuse, but sadly his own brains were letting him down.

"Namjoon!" Hoseok yelled desperate

"He didn't have enough oxygen during his seizures and the neurologist is checking right now if it did damage" the leader said in one go. After that he could only witnessed how the confession made the sunshine member even more anxious and after a few silent moments, the boy started to fire question after question

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