Chapter 9

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Seokjin woke up due to hungry sounds coming from his stomach. He groaned and tried to stretch his arms but he couldn't because Namjoon was sleeping in his arms. 'When did we fall asleep?' he thought confused. He didn't remember falling asleep or feeling tired, but this day and the previous days were more exhaustion than anyone could imagine.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when his stomach started to growl again. It has been 3 days since they were kidnapped and the only food they had received were a few candy and cereal bars for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The lack of normal food combined with the extreme stressful events made them all hungry. It was too soon to see changes in their bodies yet, but Seokjin did noticed that everyone's energy was getting lower and lower.

As if the attackers had heard his stomach growl as well, the door opened and another handful of candy bars where thrown into the room before the door closed again. Seokjin's stomach was making another sound when he saw the food lying only a couple feet away from him. He tried to reach it with his arms without disturbing Namjoon's peaceful nap, but unfortunately his long arms weren't long enough.

He sighed and looked at the others members sitting and lying on his left side, hoping that one of them could collect the candy bars. He smiled when he saw that Yoongi and Hoseok had also fallen asleep, with Hoseok curled up in the older one's protective arms. Of course, he couldn't wake them. Seokjin's eyes then drifted over to the maknaes who were lying in between them. Jimin was sleeping peacefully on his side with his head tucked into Taehyung's side. From the outside it looked like the smaller boy was completely fine, but he knew that wasn't the case. The younger 95-liner however wasn't sleeping so peacefully. The boy had to sleep on his stomach again since the wounds had reopened, causing him to be restless as he was trying to find a comfortable position in his sleep. When Seokjin looked at the last member he was surprised to see the youngest looking back at him.

"Kookie, how long are you awake?" the oldest asked. Jungkook shrugged and lifted himself in a sitting position, being careful with his back at the same time. "Couldn't sleep" he mumbled.

Seokjin sighed sadly, but he was glad that he saw the younger one moved around with less troubles and seemingly with less pain as well.

"How is your back?" he asked.

"Doesn't hurt that bad anymore"

Seokjin hummed at the response. He was relieved to hear those words, but he also knew that the maknae would say the same if he was in more pain. So he wanted to check for himself as well and decided to wake Namjoon anyways.

"Joon, lay down. I want to get up" he said softly and guided the half asleep rapper to the ground. Namjoon nodded his head and continued to sleep when he was lying comfortable on his back. Seokjin smiled and moved his hand through the boy's hair before he stood up. He moved over to Jungkook and knelt down in front of him.

"Let me see your back Kookie" he whispered. Jungkook nodded and turned around to show his bare back to the older one. Even though this wasn't the first time he saw the wound, he still winced when he saw the outlines of 'RM' carved into his back. Thankfully, the wounds were closed and his back looked clean.

"Do you want to put your sweatshirt back on?" Seokjin asked. They had removed his sweatshirt when they had cleaned his back. The maknae nodded, so Seokjin stood up and collected the piece of cloth that was lying on the other side of the room. Jungkook had his hands ready to grab the sweatshirt, but the oldest ignored them and pulled the sweatshirt over the boy's head.

"Hyung, I can do it" Jungkook mumbled annoyed. Sure, he was hurt, but he could still use his hands. Seokjin smiled and ruffled the boy's hair when he was finally dressed again. "That doesn't mean I can't help you"

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