Chapter 30

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The next moment when Sejin finally could focus on his surroundings again, he noticed he was sitting on the couch in the waiting room. A cup of water was in front of his face and when he accepted it, he noticed that it was the ICU doctor who was with him.

"Drink some water, it will help" the older man said and gave the manager a sympathetic smile. Sejin nodded and brought the cup to his lips with shaky hands. After a few sips of the cold liquid, he felt some of the tension in his body disappear.

"When was the last time you had a break?" the doctor asked

"This morning with Namjoon and Seokjin"

"No I mean, when was the last time you could actually rest and sleep in a proper bed?"

Sejin shrugged at the question and started to fidget with the empty cup in his hands. To be honest, he didn't know the answer because ever since he learned that his boys were kidnapped, it felt like he was in a rollercoaster even when he was 'sleeping'. The reaction told the doctor enough to know that the manager wasn't fairing well so he understood why the man had a panic attack in the hallway earlier.

"Look, I know you're going through a rough time, but you need to take care of yourself. We can arrange an extra bed in the room of the boys that are admitted in the general ward. I know from experience that this couch isn't comfortable enough to get a good night of sleep" the older man explained and smiled softly when he remembered how he tried to sleep in the waiting room during a long night shift. So after he had heard from the nurses that the manager had slept on the couch last night, he knew that Sejin must have been exhausted to actually being able to fall asleep on the most uncomfortable piece of furniture in the hospital.

"No need, the couch is fine. If it's okay for me to sleep here however" Sejin looked at the doctor nervously, as he was afraid he did something wrong or that he was a bother to them.

"The waiting room is yours as long as you need, don't worry about that. But the offer still stands, if you want to sleep in an actual bed, just ask one of the nurses, okay?" the younger man nodded and he was grateful for the offer, but he declined it anyways. Like last year, he wanted to give the boys some privacy and time for themselves because even though he considered them as his sons, they were still grown-up men. They never talked about it, but Sejin felt like the members appreciated to be on on their own without being supervised 24/7, and them being admitted in a hospital didn't change that.

"Hoseok is getting sicker, isn't he?" Sejin then asked. His voice was laced with worry and fear, and he mentally braced himself for another nightmare coming true.

"They're actually no chances. His fever and wound are still the same. But it's too soon to tell if the antibiotics are working or not. It usually takes 48 hours before they start kicking in" the doctor explained, and to the younger man's surprise he didn't see much worry or fear on the man's face. So that was positive, or positive isn't the right word, but at least the professional wasn't too concerned right now and Hoseok's condition didn't worsen like he had feared. Sejin felt the pressure around his chest lessen, but like the doctor had said, it was too soon to be relieved yet.

"But he looked so exhausted and sick. He could barely talk" the manager voiced his concerns anyways

"We just changed his wound and it's still quite painful even with painkillers, so no doubt it left him tired afterwards" the doctor explained.

"Did he see the wound as well?"

"Yeah, he did but he took it well. He is more concerned about Jungkook. And he asked about Jimin? And some other names? Are those the other members?"

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