She is back

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"How are you feeling?"

I shook my head. Maybe it wasn't the best idea because my head was already spinning. I raised my hand in front of my mouth and stopped walking.

"There's bushes, go there" dad said.

"That fucking muggle medicine" I groaned once I threw up. Dad gave me a water bottle so I could clean my mouth.

"Language" he said in his dull voice.

"We both know you don't actually care what words I use" I smirked at his silence. The famous smirk what I learnt from my father. It was identical to his.

"Let's go. Albus is waiting for us"

I placed my hand in his and he apparated us to Hogwarts.

I looked around, I was glad others had lessons. It was so quiet in here and I liked that. It was weird to be back after more than four months.

We walked in silence towards the headmaster's office. Before dad could knock the door opened.

"Venus" It was Minerva. She sighed in relief once she saw me. She opened her arms and hugged me tightly "How are you feeling dear? Is everything okay?" she asked while cupping my cheeks and looking for any visible injuries.

"I am better, thank you"

Albus cleared his throat and Minerva stepped away, sending a death glare to him for interrupting her.

"Miss Snape, I hope you are doing better" Albus said, looking at me behind his half-moon shaped glasses.

"I am" I said dryly. I was tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep, even though it was daytime.

"It is nearly the end of October what means you have missed a lot of work" he said, and I nodded along "The staff thought that the best would be for you to have a tutor"

"A- a tutor, sir?" I asked slowly

"Yes, a tutor. Someone who hel-"

"Yes, I know who is tutor" I snapped. He raised his eyebrows in shock but didn't say anything. "I am sure I don't need one"

"I know you are very intelligent and smart girl miss Snape but just in case" There was something in his voice that I couldn't pinpoint.

"And who is my tutor? My dad? Minerva?" I briefly looked at Severus.

He shook his head and tutted, a small smile on his face.

"Professor Lupin, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is your tutor" A man in a dark corner stood up and nodded to me. I looked at him up and down. I was judging so hard. I knew dad was smirking at my expression.

"Hello" the man, Lupin said.

"Hello" I said back quietly. He looked like he couldn't even hurt a fly. I didn't pay him much attention, I turned back to Albus and looked at him with boredom yet my eyebrows were raised.

"Really?" I asked

"Professor Lupin here is the best choice-"

"Dad would be better"

"Severus has a lot of work already. He has no time for tutoring"

"And new professor who needs time to get used to his job has time?"

"Miss Snape" Albus hold his hand up "The discussion is over. Professor Lupin is you tutor. I hope you get your tests done by the end of December"

"Okay" I mumbled "Is that all?"

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