The party in the living room

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After my mental breakdown I walked back inside.

People were now occupied the living room so they clearly saw in what state I was. I told them that I was okay, but Mrs. Weasley still came to check on me.

She even brought me cookies and another cup of tea.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley"

"You can call me Molly, dear"

I smiled and nodded "thank you Molly"

"Take a nap" she said sweetly "and if there is anything then let me know. Severus should come here soon as well"

I turned on my side and closed my eyes. Molly shut the door gently and walked back down, telling others that everything is okay.


The party had started when I finally woke up. The reason why I woke up was because of the loud knocking on my door.

I told them to come in. The door opened and dad stood there.

"Hi" I said weakly and pushed myself up. He walked over to me and took a seat next to me on the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He tucked my hair behind my ear and placed his forearm against my forehead

"Better. What did they told you?"

"That you were sad this morning" he said quietly

"Yeah, just a small stupid mental breakdown"

"Whenever there is something, tell me"

I nodded and took a glass of water from the bedside table.

"I need to go, but you should go downstairs, others are waiting for you"


"You get along with all of them?"


"Good, get up now" I groaned and pushed myself up. I hugged dad and after that he left. I wasn't even in the mood to party. I put on a black turtleneck and black trousers as usual. I put on all my silver rings and looked myself from the mirror. I combed my hair and decided to leave it down. It was unusual to see me with loose hair.

I opened the door again and the music hit my ears. I walked down the stairs, trying not to be seen.

The weird house elf walked past me, grumbling something under his breath.

I peeled into the living room to see people in a happy mood. Some of them were dancing, some of them were chatting and some of them...some of them were cuddling, lost in their own world.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a strong glass of rum and coke. I took a big gulp before making my way over to the living room.

I smiled when I saw Abby there. As soon as she saw me, she yelled my name and ran to hug me. I hugged her back and laughed.

"Hi Abbz"

"Oh my god, V, I haven't seen you for so long"

"Yeah, three weeks" I said annoyedly "So long"

"It's almost a month"


"Blah blah blah. Anyway, Sirius and I were just talking about you" she said


"More like about you and that moron over there" I rolled my eyes and walked over to Sirius. I sat down next to him and sipped my drink

"Do we have weed?" I asked Abby

"We do" she giggled "But later! The night is too early"

"And you are all so drunk already"

"Heyyy" Sirius said "Not that drunk" 

"Sure" I laughed

"C'mon, let's dance, your ex is looking at you" I furrowed my brows and when I wanted to look at Remus, Abby turned my head back "you stupid girl, don't look at him"

"Jeez, sorry" I took another sip and stood up. Abby pulled me up and just then came some slutty song. Both now drunk, we moved our hips and just did some random stupid moves. Sirius even told that if he would have cash, he would throw it at us.

What I did not know, was how my moves affected a certain man in this room.

It was hours and hours later when the kids were ushered upstairs and only adults were left.

I stumbled over to the kitchen to get another drink.

"Can I help you?" I shut my eyes, regretting it when I felt my head spinning.

"No" I said. He still took the bottle of rum from my hands and made me a glass. "I said I don't need help" I took the glass from him

"Can I talk to you?" Remus asked quietly


"Please don't do this to me" His voice was pained

"Do what?" I scoffed "I have absolutely nothing to talk to you about"

"I don't want you to hate me, Venus"

"Don't say my name" I didn't want to hear him saying my name. I loved how it sounded on his tongue.

"You look really stunning tonight, by the way"

"Shut the fuck up" I laughed "Go say that to your girlfriend. You can't say those things to me. Not anymore"

"You think I have gotten over you?"

"Remus, no, don't you-"

"I am still madly in love with you-"

"You moved on! You have the most wonderful woman-"

"I don't want her, Venus, I want you" I  looked into his eyes. Simply looked before I slapped his cheek. He shut his eyes and put his hand over his red burning cheek. He nodded and just then the door opened.

Sirius and Abby were there.

"Moony, let's go" Sirius said and pulled the drunk Remus out of the kitchen, walking him to his bedroom.

There was a moment of silence before I looked at Abby and started crying. Abby was quick to get a hold of me and sat me down on the floor.

I couldn't even say a word. I didn't know what to say. What was to say was either that I hated him so much or I loved him so much.

Soon enough Sirius came back down and handed me my drink. I gulped it down and wiped my tears.

"I want to talk to Tonks"

"No. Absolutely not"

"She needs to know-"

"Not today, trust me, not today"


You guys just got three updates in a day 🙄 hope you are all thankful hahah 🫶🏼

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