You are crazy

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I was sitting alone in the living room, sipping wine and listening to music.

It was past midnight by now, Remus was out for a mission and others were sleeping so I was completely alone.

But I didn't care. It felt so calm to just sit there and think my own thoughts.

I poured myself another glass when I heard someone walking down the stairs.

"Venus" she sent me a bitter smile and stepped into the living room. I watched as she took a seat in front of me. "I hope I do not bother you"

"Of course not" I said sarcastically

"Is Remus out of the house right now?"

"Yes, he left two hours ago"


I shifted my attention back to the wine and music that I was enjoying before she interrupted me.

I closed my eyes and leaned back against the sofa.

"I would actually like to talk to you" I heard Matilde saying.

"I would prefer not t-"

"I think there are things that needs to be talked about"

I licked my lips and turned to look at her.

"I am listening"

"When will you stop with this comedy? It is clear to everyone that you are just a kid to Remus. He needs-"

"Blah blah blah, I am not interested in listening to this bullshit-"

"Remus needs someone who can take care of him, you are not enough to him and you know it. You think he really won't leave you again? You know how many times he left me when we were young? He always came back to me. I am sure he will come back to me this time as well, I just need to show him what he is missing"

"That is utterly ridiculous and you know that as well. If he wanted you, he would have came back to you already at Hogwarts. You are older than me and you really talk like you are a teenager, just accept the fact that Remus and I have a relationship. Accept the fact that I am Moony's mate and nothing could ever change that. You know very well that if you are going to hurt a werewolf's mate, nothing good would come out of it"

She just stared at me, her eyes filled with anger.

"I am not leaving th-"

"And you know what?" I interrupted "This is so low move that you came to talk to me when Remus was out of the house. You think if he comes back he won't get to know about this conversation? If you think that, you are wrong.

And, don't make Remus look like a pervert or pedophile, because you know as well that he is not. It is disgusting how you would think something like that about him or trying to win him back by that.

You are sick person, Matilde. I thought that maybe we can get on good terms but it seems like not. I suggest you look into yourself and think things through.


I took my glass of wine, the bottle and left the room, walking up to my own room.

I searched for Remus' shirt. I pulled it on and sat on the bed. I chugged down the wine and took a deep breath after that.

I was quite surprised of myself. Maybe because I said so much or maybe because I didn't hit her.

All of a sudden I felt tired and laid on Remus' side of the bed. I hugged his pillow and closed my eyes, falling into a deep and peaceful slumber.

"I heard some...communication last night" Sirius said while we were all together at the breakfast table.

"I heard something as well" Arthur said "But I did not pay much attention to it"

"Matilde and I had a conversation" I said before taking a sip of my tea "There were some things that needed to be discussed"

"Now I wish I would have gotten up" Sirius mumbled.

"There is nothing you need to know, Sirius"

"Oh I think there is. Just so you all know, if Venus should get hurt, even if she stubs her toe, Remus is going to take my head off"

"That's - that's too much-"

"Bloody hell, that's what he said to me!"

I shook my head and chuckled.

"That man is crazy"

"Who is crazy?" We all turned to look Remus standing at the doorway, his hair wet but he still looked so good.

"You! You are a crazy man" I said and stood up, walking over to him. He pulled me into a hug and when we pulled apart me leaned down and kissed me.

"Not in the kitchen!"
"Oh young love"
"So sweet"

There were all kind of reactions to our kiss. We smiled into the kiss. When we pulled away, I ran my fingers through his wet hair.

"Come and eat something, you must be hungry"

"I'll change my clothes first"

"Alright" He pecked my lips on more time and gave a small smack on my bum. My eyes widened and I looked at him, he was just smirking. "Wait, I'll come with you"

"Oh Merlin" Sirius groaned

I shoved him off and ran upstairs to our room, Remus following me.

He closed the door and took me by my waist, pushing me against the door and pinning me there.

"I needed to talk to you" I whispered as his lips were on my neck.

"It can wait"


He looked at me, his hair falling in front of his eyes. I ran my fingers through his hair again and told him to sit down.

"I was sitting in the living room yesterday and Matilde came there at one point"

"Did she hurt you?"

"Mentally yes but not physically"

"What did she do?"

"We had a conversation, you should just know that it's quite heavy atmosphere in the kitchen right now with her"

"What did she told you?"

"The same as always, that I am not the one for you and she is doing everything to get you back"

"Venus, you have to know that you are my everything. I am not leaving you. I love you so much"

"You really think she won the argument? Remus, I am Severus' daughter, I am a Slytherin, I am not going to back down so easily. I said everything I needed to say, told her to get some help"

"You are so hot, it's crazy"

"You are crazy"

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