Bottles of wine

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"You are looking absolutely beautiful" Remus said as he saw me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss on my cheek as not to get his lips red from my lipstick.

I chose to wear a black top with slits and black pants. I was slightly afraid what Remus would think about my outfit. He knew how much I hated to wear skirts and dresses, but I still thought he would like to see me in a dress.

My hair was in a low bun. I didn't put on much makeup, I just did eyeliner and put on a red lipstick.

I felt beautiful.

And now when Remus told me I looked beautiful, I really felt like it.

"You are looking handsome as well"

Remus was wearing black tuxedo. His hair was neatly combed. I was always mesmerized by his beauty.

His blue eyes shined brightly, and his dimples were on view as he smiled.

Remus took my coat and helped me to put it on. He then put on his coat and before opening the door, he put his scarf around my neck.

"Thank you" I whispered.

He took my hand and carefully we made our way out of the castle.

"Where are you taking me then?"

"It's a surprise"


"You will like it, I promise"

I subconsciously leaned closer to him and squeezed his hand tighter.

"Are you cold?" He asked worriedly

"No, not at all"

"Here, they are big for you small hands but-"

"Remus I am fine" I laughed as he gave me his gloves. I still put them on. He stopped walked and adjusted my scarf.
"I am fine. Really"

"Tell me when you are cold or uncomfortable, yeah?"


The place we went to was a really fancy muggle restaurant. Like really really fancy. Remus took off my coat and put it on the rack.

He pulled out a seat for me and then took a seat in front of me.

I was thankful we were in a dimly lit corner. We both were anxious in larger crowds.

"What do you think about this place?" Remus asked while we waited for our menus.

"It' seems like very expensive place"

"It is"

"You know we didn't have to come to a fancy restaurant, right? Like I would have been happy to have a date in your apartment too"

"Yes I know" he laughed "but I want to take you out to fancy places, I want the best for you" he said while holding my hands in his.

I couldn't say anything back because our waiter came. We ordered red wine and then he left to give us a moment to think what we want to eat.

It took us quite a while to choose. But when the waiter came back, we told him what we wanted and once again he left.

I looked at Remus, to find him already looking at me, a smile on his face.

"What?" I chuckled

"You look really beautiful"

"Thank you" I blushed and looked at my lap for a moment. He took my hands in his once again and placed kisses on my knuckles.

"We have a long night waiting for us, I hope you aren't tired"

"Not at all"


We talked there for twenty minutes before our dinner was served. Time passed so quickly. By the end of our dinner, we had drank two bottles of red wine, both of us were quite tipsy.

Remus paid the bill, even though I insisted to split it. He didn't let me pay.

We put on our coats, Remus intertwined our fingers and we made our way to the snowy streets of Scotland.

We walked around, it was so quiet everywhere. There were some couples outside, just like us. Walking hand in hand, letting the snowflakes melt on their warm skins.

We turned around a corner and we both smiled when we saw a street band playing and people dancing around.

"Can I have this dance, Miss Snape?"

"Of course, Mister Lupin"

One hand on my waist, the other holding my hand in the air. He pulled me even closer and lead the dance.

Everything seemed too perfect to be realistic.

I laid my head against his chest and we hold each other, swinging side to side.

I knew my eyeliner was ruined now, because of the tears. They were tears of happiness. A happiness what I thought I would never feel again.

It has been such a short time when I had known Remus, but I've never felt such a strong and loving connection to anyone.

All the things that Lockhart did, was gone from my head. I felt I was healing. Of course, there was the nagging feeling of Remus getting tired of me and leaving me, but I tried my best to push it aside.

"Love?" Remus sweet voice pulled me out of my thoughts.


"Is everything okay?"

"Everything is perfect" I said against his chest "so perfect"

He pulled away and furrowed his brows when he saw my face.

"Happy tears" I said quickly

"Happy tears? Are you s-"

I shut him up with a kiss.

"Never been so sure of anything else than that" I whispered. I wanted to say him the three words, I was sure of them. But I didn't say them. Not yet. We were in a very early stage of our relationship.

Remus gently wiped my tears and placed a kiss on top of my head.

"Let's go back to the castle?"

"No, not yet"

And we didn't go. We walked around the city, we even bought a new bottle of wine. We watched the starry sky and let the cold wind hit out warm cheeks.

But at some point, everything comes to an end.

It was past two in the morning when we started to walk back to the castle.

We shared a smoke while walking.

"We should sneak out more often, I really loved tonight"

"We will sneak out more often"

And when we sneaked back inside, we walked to his apartment. Remus put our coats away and brought me a glass of water. I gulped it down and watched how he undressed himself.

He blushed when he saw me looking at him like that. He came next to me then. I was clearly more drunk than him.

He helped me to undress myself and then he gave me a shirt of his.

We laid under the warm blanket. Remus wrapped his arms around me and placed a small soft kiss on top of my shoulder.

"Good night my love"

"Good night honey"

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