Not my day

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My eyes filled with tears once again.

Today wasn't my day at all.

I woke up with a terrible headache. I walked over to my bathroom and simply looked at myself from the mirror.

I hated everything I saw from there.

I had put on my clothes, hating the way they hugged my body. Hating the way, everyone saw how fat I was.

Potion lesson with dad was bearable. I was in my own world the whole time. I barely listened what dad told us.

I heard that he was shouting at other, but what, I didn't hear.

After the lesson, he wanted me to stay behind. I told him I was tired when he asked what was going on.

He didn't believe.

I wouldn't have believed myself either.

I asked for a potion against headache and he gave me a small vial. After that, I felt slightly better.

I had a lesson with professor Vincent. Oh, how I hated her. The whole time I wished for the lesson to get over quickly.

It dragged on for way too long.

And then came Remus' lesson. I didn't want to be there at all.

I usually was one of the firsts to arrive, just so we could talk a little. But now, I arrived at the moment.

I didn't look up. I took a seat in the last row and kept my eyes on the table. I felt uncomfortable, I started to pick the skin on my thumbs.

"Professor Lupin? Can you look if that's right"

I hated her voice. Miss Lewis. Once again.

I looked up slowly and watched as Remus walked over to her table. He looked over her shoulder at the parchment on her table.

She was giggling and twirling her hair. Her tie was practically undone. She wore a skirt. A skirt that hugged her body so beautifully.

She was tanned, brown hair, perfect plump lips.

She was perfect.

I looked around. All the girls wore skirts. I was the only girl who wore pants.

"It seems right, yes"

As I saw he was about to turn my way, I looked back down on my table.

"Hello everyone" his voice silenced the whole class, everyone's attention was on him "Today, we are doing something fun" he said

"You will work in pairs today"

Great. Abby decided to skip today's classes.

"Every pair gets a curse, jinx or a spell. You will make a poster about it and next lesson you will teach that to others"

Everyone seemed excited.

"Please choose with your partner what spell you want, I have written them on the board. Who is alone, maybe you can pair up with someone"

I looked up, he was looking at me. I looked away quickly.

I let everyone to choose their spells and just took what was left.

It was just some stupid jinx.

"Miss Snape and Miss Ha-"

"I want to work alone" I said

"It's pair work-"

"I want to work alone"

He sighed and mumbled 'okay'. I took my textbook and a piece of parchment.

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