Chapter 8

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Chapter 8. Human Adaptability Is Powerful

So, he just hit this part of the odds?

Ye Bai's eyes were complicated, "Thank you."

His tone was extremely solemn.

"No need." Jiang Ran said, "You go to absorb the crystal nucleus first."

His eyes turned to the grass next to him, Ye Bai had an epiphany, he walked into the grass and left the space for Qi Yuan and Jiang Ran.

Qi Yuan took out the royal jelly, "This is your thing."

Jiang Ran said, "For you."

Qi Yuan looked at him in surprise, "Isn't it able to improve abilities? It should be more useful."

"Your ability is still in a state that is not fully activated. Drinking it may be useful to you." Jiang Ran's tone was light, he found some tree roots nearby, and suddenly said, "Space Is there any meat in it? Take it out."

Twilight was about to come, Qi Yuan listened to Jiang Ran's words and took a sip of royal jelly.

The taste in the mouth is sour and astringent, completely different from the imagined sweetness.

Jiang Ran stared at her, "Do you feel anything?"

Qi Yuan shook her head blankly.


"Didn't feel the power fluctuations?"

"No." Qi Yuan said obediently.

Intuition is not enhanced either.

Jiang Ran was silent for a moment and grilled the meat next to him.

Qi Yuan looked at the roasting meat melancholy, feeling very hungry.


She touched her belly.

Since I came to the last days, I have not been able to eat enough and wear warm clothes every day.

If only I could eat enough...

Just as I was thinking, Ye Bai suddenly emerged from the grass and said excitedly, "Brother Jiang!"

Jiang Ran and Qi Yuan looked over at the same time.

Ye Bai's blue-white skin has become normal, and the previous pustules have also disappeared visibly to the naked eye. With a clear face, he excitedly said, "Look, I've really become a human!"

Qi Yuan was also surprised.

"You're not a human yet, you just look more like a human." Jiang Ran said, "It can control the speed of mutation, but it can't fundamentally eliminate the virus."

Ye Bai was stunned, but he was already prepared and scratched his head, " It doesn't matter, I'm already satisfied."

Jiang Ran sat on the edge and turned the barbecue in his hand, "Tell me about your future plans."

Ye Bai surrounded his barbecue, swallowed silently, and raised He said, "I've turned into a zombie now! Of course, I'm going to see the great rivers and mountains!"

After all, he was not affected by zombies.

Jiang Ran glanced at him, "When zombies have no food, they may kill each other."

Ye Bai: "..."

Qi Yuan suddenly remembered something, "Aren't you going to be hungry?"

"Yes, but I can. Be a vegetarian!" Ye Bai said confidently, "After I became a zombie, I became numb to all the smells, and it is the same as a vegetarian and a meat."

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