Chapter 32

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Chapter 32, Will the End Times End?

    The surroundings were silent.

    Someone questioned, "Is the leader really dead outside?" When

    he said that, someone immediately answered, "Yeah! I only saw him a few days ago, and the leader never likes to go out. I don't think he died. It's you who spread rumors outside!"

    "You must have murdered him! It's so good to seize power and usurp the throne!"


    You said a few people and sentenced Qi Yuan to death.

    Usurping power?

    Something flashed in Qi Yuan's eyes, and Jiang Ran, who was behind her, took a step forward, and a huge spiritual power enveloped everyone's heart.

    Everyone was shocked.

    This is...

    a coercion beyond their strength.

    The lightning power in Jiang Ran's hands quickly condensed, and she said lightly, "What do you think... what rights do you have? What position is there here?


    After a while.

    One person spoke first, "Since you are so strong, why didn't you save him?"

    Jiang Ran said quietly, "When I went, he was already dead."

    "But I just asked him for a mission today!" Someone blurted out and said angrily, "It's impossible that the person today is fake, right? And he still has a task list." The

    surroundings were silent.

    That person was telling the truth. Seeing that Jiang Ran and Qi Yuan didn't speak, he shouted even more fiercely, "I think you just killed him today, or hid him!"

    The words of the young man won others over 's approval.

    "That's right, and we are all superhumans, can't we tell if a person is real or fake?"

    "And me, I went today too." A

    shattered voice filled the room.

    Jiang Ran's face was cold, and he picked up the Tang knife and opened it directly.


    the crowd was in an uproar.

    The leader's internal organs are already empty, and the outside is also somewhat rotten.

    But the face is very obvious, that is the appearance of the leader.

    Everyone looked at each other.

    Some even rubbed their eyes, and a cool feeling suddenly appeared behind them.

    Who is it today?

    "We will explain the specific situation later." Qi Yuan said calmly, "One thing I can tell you is that there are other organizations besides the base."

    "If we don't work together, today is the leader, and tomorrow may be someone else. "

    While it's not known exactly what the organization is trying to do, as things stand, they may be running a huge experiment.

    The subjects of the experiment are not limited to zombies, but even humans.

    The capacity of the organization is also unknown.

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