Chapter 7

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Chapter 7, Ye Bai is a Zombie

    Royal Jelly?

    Qi Yuan just felt familiar.

    Immediately afterwards, Jiang Ran's eyes were surprisingly cold. He grabbed Brother Lu by the collar, "Who asked you to come?"

    Brother Lu was frightened.

    He stammered, "Yan...Yan Chen..."

    After he finished speaking, Qi Yuan suddenly remembered.

    Yan Chen... is the heroine of this book.

    It was written in the article that she usually likes to drink queen bee honey the most. In order to get back with Yan Chen, the male protagonist sends a large number of people to look for queen bee honey.

    Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed suddenly, "Isn't this the way to City A?"

    His blade was against Brother Lu's neck, and Brother Lu's breath was trembling, and he didn't dare to speak.

    The knife went down a centimeter.

    When the stinging sensation came, Brother Lu said in a panic, "Yes... I came from city a, and this time I really went to city a, but I always heard that there was queen bee honey here, so I thought about collecting it by the way. Just a moment."

    "There are people in the market who recycle queen honey at a high price, but I'm not sure what danger there will be, so..."

    "So you want us to be scapegoats?" Ye Bai looked annoyed.

    He knew that this man was not so kind!

    Brother Lu swallowed, "Yes... and you have so many supplies on you."

    Jiang Ran looked at him coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

    His breathing was calm, and the hand in his hand rested firmly on him.

    Brother Lu almost burst into tears, "That's all I know. For the sake of what I didn't do to you, can you let me go?"

    He snotted and burst into tears, "And I have old and young... "The

    other two little brothers didn't dare to move.

    Qi Yuan thought thoughtfully, "There are old people and young people..."

    She said with a smile, "Then you dare to have other thoughts?"

    Jiang Ran's eyes were as cold as a cold pool, extremely deep, and she did not let him go at all. the meaning of.

    Lu Ge's heart was half cold.

    Jiang Ran lowered his eyes and stunned him directly.

    Seeing this, Ye Bai also slapped the two shivering little brothers unconscious.

    Jiang Ran looked at Qi Yuan indifferently, "How do you plan to deal with it?"

    Qi Yuan was surprised, "I thought this was dealt with."

    He held the Tang knife and tilted his head, "You can kill him."

    Qi Yuan: " doesn't have to be."

    She looked at the little bees around her, thoughtfully.


    in ten minutes.

    Qi Yuan clapped her hands, "That's it!"

    Ye Bai's eyes widened and he looked at Qi Yuan with a strange expression: "That's it?"

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