Chapter 25

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Chapter 25, I can even hear each other's breathing

    The woman's face was light, with a little indifference, and she looked at the zombies in front, "When did you come here?"

    Her speech was even and unhurried.

    Qi Yuan reacted, "Just now."

    "I have seen this group of zombies before, you can just go out."

    After speaking, she glanced at Jiang Ran beside Qi Yuan, raised her eyebrows, "Your man?

    " In the astonishment, he nodded subconsciously.

    The woman grabbed Qi Yuan, and instantly pulled out the Tang Dao from Jiang Ran's back, and said casually, "Hide aside first."

    Finished speaking.

    The earth wall behind her rose from the ground, directly isolating Qi Yuan from her.

    Qi Yuan looked at Ye Bai blankly, "Who is she?"

    Ye Bai scratched his head, "I don't know, but she seems to be looking for something like that."

    He turned to Jiang Ran again, frightened. After a jump, "Brother Jiang, what happened? Why did he turn white?"

    "He turned into a zombie." After speaking, Qi Yuan hesitated for a moment.

    Jiang Ran's movements were stiff and his eyes were empty.

    After thinking about it, she lifted the wish she made before.

    Jiang Dian's hair quickly turned white.

    He opened his eyes, with confusion in his eyes.

    Then, he suddenly looked at Qi Yuan.

    With a hoarse voice, he approached her suspiciously. He seemed to feel that the smell on her body was familiar, and he got closer.

    "I remember you," he finally said, his voice hoarse.

    It's still a familiar voice, but it feels far more friendly than before.

    Ye Bai's eyes widened, "Brother Jiang, have you lost your memory?"

    After he finished speaking, he felt a strong mental suppression.

    Jiang Ran's eyes suddenly became ice-cold.

    He said every word, "Who are you?"

    Ye Bai was dumbfounded.

    In the end, Qi Yuan stopped Jiang Ran and said quickly, "He is our friend."

    But in her heart, she always felt strange.

    In other words...

    I feel that this Jiang Ran is weird.

    He is more like another personality formed by Jiang Ran.

    It is completely different from Jiang Ran, but in some respects, it is the same as Jiang Ran.

    Jiang Ran's mental strength loosened slightly.

    He opened his mouth and said, "This...where is it?"

    This was the first time he had spoken.

    The tone was still a little rough.

    Qi Yuan took a deep breath.

    She was thinking about how to explain it to Jiang Ran.

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