Chapter 49

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Chapter 49, The Finale

    These zombies are obviously different from the previous ones.

    Their eyes are blue and white as opposed to blood red, their bodies are huge, and their skin is smooth and delicate.

    "They have been transformed." Jiang Ran's voice was indifferent.

    Several people looked around cautiously.

    "Protect Qi Yuan." Jiang Ran took a step first, with lightning and lightning intertwined in his clearly-boned hands, he pulled out the Tang Dao from behind, stepped forward, and faced the zombies.

    Qi Yuan subconsciously grabbed Jiang Ran's sleeve.

    Jiang Ran paused and looked back, with an obvious smile in his eyes.

    He approached Qi Yuan's face, his eyes dark, as if he wanted to suck her in.

    Qi Yuan's face turned slightly red, and her heart jumped violently.

    Jiang Ran is...

    She closed her eyes subconsciously.

    The expected warm touch did not come.

    Jiang Ran's voice sounded slowly in her ear, "What are you thinking?"

    Qi Yuan raised her head blankly.

    But she saw that the other party handed the Tang knife in her hand to her, "The knife has my ability, which can block a fatal attack for you."

    Speaking of the back, he stared at her with interest.

    Only then did Qi Yuan react, and her face suddenly turned red.

    The other people's faces were different.

    Ye Bai was still in a daze, but Yan Chen nudged him with his elbow, and he suddenly realized that he cut off the vine that had just spread.


    she thought too much just now?

    Qi Yuan blurted out, "Are you planning to go alone?"

    Jiang Ran's voice sounded again, "I'll be back later."

    After speaking, the power in his hand raised slightly, and abruptly broke a huge hole in the front of the vine.

    Go forward and face the zombies!

    The aggressiveness of the vines is not strong, but the reproduction speed is amazing, and I don't know when it will spread again.

    Qi Yuan closed her eyes, prayed with her supernatural power, and then took the knife and looked firmly at the surrounding vines.

    Yan Chen and Ye Bai had prepared their weapons early in the morning, and they surrounded Qi Yuan, vigilant against any disturbance.

    The vines stopped, wrapped them in a small circle, and seemed to be hesitating.

    "Be careful!"


    Yan Chen's voice sounded!

    Qi Yuan and Ye Bai looked at them at the same time.

    The vines in front of her suddenly burst into flames, and at this moment, a huge force from the bottom of Qi Yuan's feet struck.

    Her face was instantly pale!

    When Qi Yuan woke up again, she had reached another place.

    There are many high-rise buildings around. Although it is dilapidated, you can see the prosperity of the past at a glance.

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