Chapter 21

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Chapter 21, You are so disgusting

    Qi Yuan was afraid in her heart.

    But for some reason, her mouth seemed to be closed, and she couldn't say a word.

    It was only controlled to walk in the direction of Chu Heng step by step.

    Chu Heng was also surprised by his attitude, his cool eyes gliding over with satisfaction.

    He took Qi Yuan, his eyes were slightly cold, and walked all the way to the bushes.

    Only the two of them...

    Qi Yuan's body was stiff and she wanted to control her body, but the other party obviously didn't give her a chance.

    "It's me." Jiang Ran's voice came from his mind.

    Qi Yuan was dumbfounded: "What are you doing?"

    Jiang Ran's voice was indifferent, "Help you."

    "This is my mental power, don't squeeze me out first."

    Chu Heng found that Qi Yuan was wrong and turned to look following her.

    Qi Yuan squeezed out a smile, "Let's go."

    She took a few steps forward stiffly, and lowered her eyes to pick out the trees on the ground, but Chu Heng raised his eyebrows. He deliberately got close to Qi Yuan, He exhaled in his ear, his tone was cold and sticky, "Why don't you leave?"


    Of course she wants to go!

    But can she leave!

    Qi Yuan burst into tears.

    "Qi Yuan" paused, "Didn't you say you wanted to pick up wood? Isn't there a large area here?"

    She pointed around, then looked at Chu Heng.

    Chu Heng was not bad, with a handsome face, but there was always a gloomy smell in his eyes.

    Qi Yuan came into contact with him and just wanted to run.

    But Jiang Ran did not allow her to run.

    Chu Heng said in a low voice, "What? What are you afraid of?"

    He took a few steps closer to Qi Yuan, his eyes met hers, and the atmosphere was ambiguous.

    "Qi Yuan" didn't move.

    She looked at Chu Heng calmly, "Shouldn't I ask you this sentence? You can't want to stew me, right?"

    "Qi Yuan" said, "What do you want to do?"

    Chu Heng smiled lowly , "Cultivating feelings."

    Of course Qi Yuan didn't believe it.

    But Jiang Ran's mental power is still in her body, controlling her body.

    "Qi Yuan" looked up at him, her expression unchanged.

    Chu Heng said quietly, "It's the third time I've met you once I've met you again."

    "Qi Yuan": "...You are disgusting."

    Qi Yuan said in her heart, "Well said!"


    This is her body...

    How dare he Jiang Ran!

    Jiang Ran replied to Qi Yuan in his heart, with a cold tone: "Don't worry."

    Chu Heng's face darkened with the naked eye.

    He suppressed his anger and said softly, "Didn't you say that you have space ability?"

    "Jiang Ran is obviously looking for something like that this time, I won't kill you today, but I have one condition... "

    Chu Heng's eyes were filled with killing intent, "If Jiang Ran gets it, help me steal it back."

    "Qi Yuan" paused.

    Chu Heng tempted, "After this is done, I can take you to an absolutely safe place."

    He was confident that Qi Yuan would agree, but "Qi Yuan" only calmed down for a while before he said lightly, "That's it. ?"

    Chu Heng froze.

    He said angrily, "What do you mean? Believe it or not I stewed you?"

    "Qi Yuan": "?"

    "Qi Yuan": "This is it?"

    "Qi Yuan": "I don't believe it, I have to pay more."

    Her voice was too cold, and Chu Heng looked at her suspiciously. Seconds, irritated, "Then what conditions do you want?"

    "A truckload of supplies, a ton of clean water, and another ability by the way."

    Jiang Ran said, and even Qi Yuan, whose consciousness was blocked in her body, was shocked.

    A truckload of supplies, a ton of water is fine.


    what the hell is the same power?

    When Chu Heng heard the words "power", his eyes instantly turned cold, "How do you know that my power was inspired by the day after tomorrow?"

    "I don't know, I guess." She shrugged and said innocently, "Now You said it yourself."

    Chu Heng had so many different kinds of abilities, at least he had never heard of it in his previous life.

    Even though he survived in the last days for seven years, he has never even heard of this person's name.

    Don't make a fool of yourself. Chu Heng: ...

    He gritted his teeth and glared at her, "Okay."


    After it was done, he simmered her directly.

    Chu Heng's abacus slapped loudly here, while Qi Yuan over there instantly felt that Jiang Ran's mental power flew out, and she could finally regain control of her body.

    Looking at Chu Heng in front of her, Qi Yuan became more courageous and asked curiously, "What is that kind of thing? What are you doing with that kind of thing?"

    "This is not something you should ask." Chu Heng glared at her, She said neatly, "Hurry up and pick up the firewood."

    Qi Yuan said honestly, "Actually, I think your normal appearance is not bad."

    "You think I'm not normal now?" Chu Heng's expression was cold, his eyes narrowed, and the sense of danger almost covered the entire jungle.

    Qi Yuan stopped talking.

    She packed the firewood.

    With the experience of the previous few times, the movements also slipped a lot, and when I went back, I caught a glimpse of Jiang Ran standing there.

    Jiang Ran's eyes were always looking in her direction, and when she saw her coming back, her eyes softened unconsciously.

    Qi Yuan thought about it and stepped forward.

    Chu Heng covered his face, revealing only a pair of cold eyes, obviously indifferent.

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