Chapter 41

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Chapter 41, the house is just a thief

    Qi Yuan was taken aback.

    It was a completely unfamiliar face.

    But the temperament on her body made Qi Yuan feel familiar.

    Jiang Ran frowned, but before he spoke, the man disappeared directly in front of him out of thin air.

    Ye Bai was stunned, "Where is the human?"

    There was no trace of his existence in the air.

    Even the masses looked at each other in dismay, all the facts told them that there was indeed a person in front of them.

    Qi Yuan's eyes were complicated, "I don't know, but since he wants to sneak in, he must have his own purpose..."

    What is the purpose?

    The first reaction of several people was the previous Chen Nan.

    "That person also wanted to come to Chen Nan last time." Ye Bai took a deep breath.

    And the way the two people got in and out was the same, which was enough to show that the two just now were the same group of people.

    Or what kind of characteristics it has.

    Find something like that, and you'll find the answer.

    Everyone thought about it in unison.

    Several people finally decided to go back and have a look.

    After Qi Yuan finished her work, she immediately returned to the house where Chen Nan was. Jiang Ran took the lead in exploring it with her mental power, and frowned.

    When Qi Yuan looked at him with worried eyes, he said, "There is nothing here. The cabinets are all empty."

    "How is it possible?" Qi Yuan was also stunned.

    I have cleaned this place before, but it is not that there is nothing.

    "It should have been taken away." Jiang Ran stared, opened the drawer, and looked inside.

    Clean and spotless.

    Chen Nan, there will be something hidden inside.

    Just when a few people were thinking about it, a sound suddenly came from outside the door.

    Yan Chen shoved the door open, gasping for breath, "Qi Yuan, that man is coming to me again!"

    Qi Yuan raised her eyes, seeing Yan Chen's flushed face, with some annoyance, and scolded. , "Why is he so haunted, he likes to haunt me all day long?"

    "You said he came to you just now?" Qi Yuan's eyes were fixed on her, and she grabbed her hand.

    Only then did I realize why the smell was so familiar!

    That's a layer medicine!

    No wonder...

    "So the layer medicine just came over and took the things away?" Qi Yuan muttered to herself.

    Yan Chen was still a little inexplicable, "What? He's still here?"

    Qi Yuan looked at Yan Chen again.

    Her face was a little unnaturally red, and she noticed Qi Yuan's gaze, and said evasively, "Why are you staring at me? Is there something on my face?"

    After speaking, she touched her face again.

    Only then did she realize that her face was a little hot, but she was still pretending to be calm.

    Qi Yuan approached and teased, "He won't do anything to you, right?"

    After all, in the original text, the layer medicine is the male lead, the standard of the domineering president. If he came to Yan Chen specially, then...

    Qi Yuan Silently imagined the scene of two people together.

    Yan Chen quickly slapped Qi Yuan's head with a slap, "What nonsense? How could I be with him?!"

    "But when he came... I was just taking a shower..." Yan Chen muttered, "He was still wearing The weird black robe, I almost didn't recognize it."

    "But forget it, it's not a big deal."

    Thinking of the scene just now, she was still a little speechless, raised her chin, "What are you looking for?"

    Qi Yuan said, "It's just a burglar in the house."

    "If there was something, it might have been taken away early in the morning. ." Jiang Ran said suddenly, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, "Since it was the same person last time, it means that he has not left."

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