Chapter 28

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Chapter 28, Yan Chen will not die

    Jiang Ran quickly walked to the place where the halo was.

    But Yan Chen was not reconciled.

    Using her own abilities, layers of earth walls rose from the ground, and the earth turned into ridges and descended at an extreme speed.

    The lightning ability in Jiang Ran's hand was activated instantly.

    The soil turns to ashes.

    Yan Chen roared hoarsely, "Jiang Ran! You don't deserve it at all!"

    But what followed was absolute mental crushing, Yan Chen couldn't say a word, and the sweetness surged in his throat, and his eyes were black in an instant. , fainted.

    Jiang Ran stretched out his hand and touched it gently.

    The next second -

    the light source moved.

    As if expressing affinity, it is brighter.

    Then it flew directly into Qi Yuan's body.

    Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed.

    The surroundings began to collapse in an instant, and the ground began to shake violently.

    At the critical moment, Qi Yuan also slowly opened her eyes.

    Confused in her eyes, she looked at Jiang Ran in the air.

    Jiang Ran noticed something was wrong, and said coldly, "Let's go first." His

    voice was low and his tone was cold.

    Then he grabbed Qi Yuan's hand, looked at the place where the light source was just now, and quickly turned outward.

    Qi Yuan stopped.

    She asked, "Do you want to save Yan Chen?"

    Jiang Ran was silent, and asked back, "Do you want to save?"

    Qi Yuan said, "I heard what I just said..."

    "You should know what she means to me. "

    But I don't think she's a threat, and she's forgotten about you."

    This is the exact opposite of the plot in the book.

    After all, Yan Chen is the heroine. If the heroine is gone, she is not sure what the future will be like.

    She doesn't want to upset the balance of the world.

    Qi Yuan euphemistically said, "Jiang Ran, she just saved us."

    Jiang Ran's eyes turned cold.

    He said calmly, "No help."

    Qi Yuan stopped talking.

    This is Jiang Ran's business. She has never experienced what Jiang Ran has experienced, and of course she will not interfere.

    The sense of collapse of the surrounding world is getting stronger and stronger.

    Jiang Ran raised her eyes, took back the Tang Dao on Yan Chen's body just now, and opened a slit fiercely towards the sky.


    a faint light shone down from the sky.

    Qi Yuan's heart was beating fast.

    With a burst of light, they walked out!

    The world seems to be reborn.

    Ye Bai was still outside, watching the monster fall, swallowing.

    Then he saw Qi Yuan and Jiang Ran.

    Qi Yuan's chest and mouth were still stained with blood.

    An energy ball formed around the two of them and slowly descended.

    Ye Bai quickly chased after them and looked at them up and down, "Are you all right? Where is Yan Chen?"

    "Nothing." Qi Yuan shook her head, mentioning Yan Chen, she paused and said softly, "It's still inside. "

    Obviously felt Ye Bai's breathing froze.

    Haha, he glanced at Jiang Ran, "It's so dangerous inside, it's normal to be difficult to come out."

    Jiang Ran didn't speak.

    Ye Bai could only look up at the monster just now.

    The monster stood still at the moment, motionless, like a sculpture.

    Jiang Ran said, "It was a mutation caused by the control of the energy ball before."

    "So the energy ball is gone, and the monster gone?" Qi Yuan's heart was filled with anticipation.


    maybe Yan Chen is still alive?

    Jiang Ran said, "Let's go out first."

    Ye Bai asked, "Where is that energy ball? Is it in Jiang Ran's body now?"

    "No." Qi Yuan took a deep breath, "In my body."

    She said, "The energy ball chose me at the beginning, but only half, it originally wanted us to kill each other, unless I kill me and take out the other half, Jiang Ran can get the other half again."


    Qi Yuan's voice sank, " If Jiang Ran takes it out, I will die, if Jiang Ran does not take it, I will not be able to contain half of the power of the energy stone and explode." The

    energy ball has two powers.

    One is to suppress zombie viruses, including all surrounding zombie viruses.

    The other is that it can explode its own potential. For example, the power of zombies around the energy ball will be much stronger.

    Qi Yuan has the second type.

    But she is just a person.

    Unless you have both.

    The energy ball had already calculated everything when she first entered.

    So Jiang Ran killed her.

    She was resurrected because of the combination of the two powers, and Jiang Ran's own mutation could be suppressed by staying by her side.

    Qi Yuan explained the process in detail.

    Ye Bai was taken aback, "Then you two are completely inseparable?"

    He muttered again, "You still trust Jiang Ran."

    Qi Yuan said calmly, "Indeed."

    She admitted.

    Jiang Ran was beside him, and when he heard these words, his breathing suddenly stagnated.

    She trusted herself...

    Qi Yuan's eyes were smiling, "In that case, let's leave first."

    She raised her eyes deeply and glanced at the boulder behind her.

    There was an inexplicable confidence in my heart.

    Yan Chen will not die.

    Neither will they.

    The three left the swamp all the way with Jiang Ran's protective cover.

    As soon as I went up, I saw Chen San and Tan Si two.

    Tan Si's eyes lit up when he saw Qi Yuan, "You guys came out?!"

    "I knew you would definitely come out."

    His tone was filled with joy.

    Then, he scratched his head again, "Sorry, it wasn't that we didn't want to save you before, but Chu Heng will come back alive."

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