Chapter 33

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Chapter 33, the leader has died

    As soon as Qi Yuan and Jiang Ran went out, they saw yellow sand and vegetation covering the sky.

    The mutated vegetation after the end of the world did not make the yellow sand firmer, and it was still the same as before, with scattered sand flying everywhere.

    Qi Yuan frowned, covering her mouth and nose.

    Jiang Ran said, "We have to get out of here."

    Qi Yuan immediately understood.

    She took the little donkey out of the space and said, "Let's go."

    Jiang Ran looked at her with a slightly dazed look in his eyes. He didn't know what to think before he said, "Go." The

    two of them were far quieter than a few people together.

    Jiang Ran sat behind her, "I put sunglasses in the corner of the space." The wind and

    sand were too big.

    Qi Yuan almost squinted.

    Hearing this sentence, he said unexpectedly, "I thought you wouldn't put this."

    Jiang Ran, "No one can tell the situation in the end of the world, so I bought it from the supermarket, and everything is in it."

    Qi Yuan was dumbfounded . , After a while, he said quietly, "It seems that you were in good condition before."

    Jiang Ran was modest, "I have been working since I was a child, and I have some savings."

    Qi Yuan didn't speak any more, she touched her pocket, but the wind and sand were still there This time it entered the eyes.

    Qi Yuan only felt a stinging pain in her eyes, she covered it, and the tears flowed uncontrollably.

    Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, but she didn't move, her dark and dark eyes stared straight at her back.

    Qi Yuan rubbed her eyes, trying to let it come out on her own.

    But it didn't work.

    Five minutes later, she gave up and said weakly, "Jiang Ran."

    Jiang Ran got out of the car, approached her, and said softly, "Open your eyes."

    Qi Yuan was obedient.

    The scent on the other side came from the surface, with softness, she and Jiang Ran's eyes met.

    The other party has a pair of deep, sea-like eyes.

    Qi Yuan's spirit was stimulated, and she pushed it away subconsciously, her heart pounding.

    Jiang Ran squinted and seemed puzzled.

    Qi Yuan's face turned slightly red, "Forget it, I'll do it myself, and it will flow out on its own after a while."

    Her eyes were clear and her skin was fair, revealing pink.

    Jiang Ran held her down, his voice was cold and low, "What are you afraid of?"

    He approached her and looked directly at her, his handsome features enlarged in front of her, his eyes were long and narrow, and his lips opened and closed.

    Beautiful and attractive.

    Qi Yuan's mouth was dry.

    Before she could speak, she felt a gentle breath coming from her body.

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