Chapter 29

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Chapter 29, Can you communicate with it?

    "Where's Chu Heng?" Qi Yuan said directly.

    "He seems to have something urgent to leave early, let us stay here, and said he has something on you." Chen San's voice was rough and calm, "but he didn't say what it was."

    Of course, it was an energy ball.

    Both sides knew that.

    Jiang Ran said after a while, "There's nothing underneath."

    His tone was cold and icy.

    Chen San and Tan Si looked at each other.

    Chen San reluctantly said, "Impossible, the map clearly shows that it is here."

    And they just stayed in it for so long.

    Jiang Ran glanced at them, "If you don't believe me, you can go down and try."

    Chen San was dumbfounded.

    They turned their attention to Qi Yuan, and asked expectantly, "What about that thing?"

    Qi Yuan's tone was worried, "It's gone."

    "This..." Chen San's expression changed, and he wanted to say something, but he was talked about by four A stop.

    He sighed, "This is the end of the matter, and there is nothing to say."

    "But thank you for your recent care. We must go back immediately. Let's say goodbye for the time being today." Tan Si's eyes were solemn.

    Qi Yuan was surprised, but still said with a smile, "Okay." The

    two groups said goodbye.

    Tan Si said solemnly, "I hope to meet you again."

    When the two of them left, Ye Bai said strangely, "Why do you think they are weird? Are you in such a hurry to go back?"

    Qi Yuan raised her eyes, "I don't know."

    But they also Should go back.

    Thinking of the base, Qi Yuan suddenly said, "Does any of you remember the way back?"

    Jian Nan brought it when he came, but when he went back, no one led the way.

    After she finished speaking, the people present fell into a strange silence.

    Jiang Ran said, "I should remember." The

    two suddenly turned to look at him.

    "Qi Yuan drives, I'll lead the way."

    Qi Yuan summoned a little donkey from her space.

    He said, "Should... go this way?"

    Jiang Ran didn't like to memorize the road, Qi Yuan vaguely felt that something was wrong, but still walked over there by bicycle.

    Thirty minutes later.

    According to the distance of the little donkey, it won't be long before they can get out of the swamp, but they still don't.

    Qi Yuan looked at the increasingly wet grass in front of her, and asked suspiciously, "Are you sure?"

    Jiang Ran said, "I'm not sure."

    "Should it be that way?" He pointed to the other side.

    Qi Yuan: "..."

    Ye Bai interjected, "I think it should be somewhere else!"

    Qi Yuan took a deep breath, "I'll come."

    After speaking, she looked around.

    Spiritual force condenses into one direction.

    After a moment she opened her eyes.

    After several days, several talents finally saw a city, and Qi Yuan stopped the car.

    Ye Bai looked at the familiar building, his tone rose, and he was extremely excited, "I thought I had to live outside all the way! I didn't expect there was a house here."

    He was about to go forward, but was stopped by Qi Yuan, "Wait."

    "There is something inside." Jiang Ran added.

    His tone was slow, but his eyes were extremely cold, "If you don't want to die, don't go in first." The

    surroundings were quiet, and there were not even any extra zombies on the road, which made him feel strange at first glance.

    Ye Bai was stunned, and he was about to get in the car again.

    But it was too late.

    The overwhelming mutant vines drilled out of the house, covering the sky in an instant, and a few people were too late to dodge and were trapped in place.

    "It was the mutation of the plant caused by the giant vines."

    Jiang Ran said in a deep voice, and more vines rushed towards him.

    Qi Yuan's heart tightened and she was ready to fight.

    But it was also at this moment—

    the vine stopped.

    They were lined up in front of Jiang Ran.

    Then, as if in reverence, he lowered the front tentacles.

    Inexplicably, there is a little more admiration.

    Qi Yuan was stunned.

    "This is..."

    Jiang Ran squatted down, stroked the vines gently, lowered his eyes, "It should be because I absorbed the red sapphire, my zombie virus was not completely suppressed, they felt it."

    Ye Bai rubbed his eyes, "Why didn't I?!"

    Jiang Ran glanced at him, "I'm more advanced than you."

    And in the end, he absorbed the power of the red sapphire.

    He looked at the vines.

    The other party cupped his hand, obviously intimacy, and also brought in flattery.

    "It said that there is a place to live nearby, which is clean and tidy. They sensed that we came to clean it up." Jiang Ran was indifferent.

    Vine nodded and rubbed him again.

    "The zombies here have been removed."

    "There are so many zombies, how did they get rid of them?"

    "This is not a city, just a small town." Qi Yuan said.

    She looked at the vines.

    There were also some barbs on the other side, with mottled brown, not healthy, even sharp.

    When he met Jiang Ran, he unexpectedly put away the thorn.

    She reached out and touched it curiously.

    "Can I communicate with it?" Qi Yuan asked.

    "Your little wish should be 100% fulfilled." Jiang Ran raised his brows lightly.

    Qi Yuan stroked it, and suddenly her face changed, "The vine said just now that someone is coming here." There was

    a rustling sound all around, and a few vines around them were crawling quickly.

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