Chapter 40

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Chapter 40: Permits for accommodation outside the base

    If the base disbands, they lose their food and will have to die.

    Everyone was dumbfounded, and they swallowed the breath they were holding back.

    What Qi Yuan said was indeed true.

    Qi Yuan, "Do you have any questions to say."

    They looked at each other and shook their heads.

    Someone whispered, "If an accident occurs while we are on the mission, will we compensate the family?"

    Everyone was silent.

    Qi Yuan paused and swept her gaze.

    The atmosphere was instantly dignified.

    She looks soft and gentle, but for some reason she has a sense of oppression.

    The people around held their breath, waiting for Qi Yuan's answer.

    She smiled, "If there is an accident during the execution of the mission, we will pay a hundred times the compensation for the mission."

    "In addition, the mission is not compulsory, that is to say, if you don't want to do it, you can not do it."

    Everyone else stunned.

    One hundred times...

    The rewards of the base mission are not many. If it is one hundred times, it will be enough for my family to live for a long, long time.

    "If you don't have any questions, just leave first. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time." Qi Yuan said again.

    After she finished speaking, the others left silently.

    "No one should be able to carry out these tasks." After they all left, Ye Bai muttered.

    "After you have food, you don't need to carry out too many tasks." Jiang Ran said, "The task is only to understand the outside world, even if one person out of a hundred people goes out, it is completely fine."

    Ye Bai thought thoughtfully . .


    The first day when the gate of the base opened was very lively.

    The originally narrow streets are now crowded with people. Fortunately, the base was built large enough before, so there are still vacancies.

    Ye Bai organized people to line up on the street, preparing to put them in a room.

    Qi Yuan glanced slightly, and her eyes were fixed on a man in a black robe.

    The other party was in the middle of the crowd, his eyes drooping slightly, and his face could not be seen clearly.

    But the temperament of the whole body made Qi Yuan feel a little familiar.

    Qi Yuan took the form from his hand, "You take a rest first, I'll help you."

    Ye Bai naturally handed it over, and then felt a cold gaze fall on him.

    His heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said, "This is unnecessary."

    Qi Yuan was curious, "Aren't you tired?"

    Jiang Ran said coldly behind him, "Zombies are not afraid of being tired."

    His voice was low, only three people could hear him .

    Qi Yuan thought about it too, and gave it to Ye Bai as a matter of course.

    Ye Bai wanted to cry without tears, "Yes, Brother Jiang is right."

    So he is a pure laborer?

    Qi Yuan took another look, "But there are too many people here, I'll register with you."

    Jiang Ran should simply say, "Okay."

    She set up a table, and when others saw her movements, they rushed towards her. came in her direction.

    The man in black seemed to avoid it intentionally, but under the surging crowd, he quietly walked to the side.

    Qi Yuan keenly discovered this scene and didn't think much about it.

    After all, Ye Bai was right beside him.

    Ye Bai Ma Liu registered his name.

    Until the man in black stepped forward and asked as usual, "Do you have an ID card?"

    The man in black lowered his voice, "I didn't remember to take it after the end of the world."

    Ye Bai snorted, "Then do you have something to prove your identity? For example, permission to live outside the base or family members."

    There are very few people who still have ID cards in the post-apocalyptic world, so they just ask casually.

    The key point is the permission to stay outside the base, and the previous leader distributes it to people outside the base for better management.

    Everyone has.

    There is no possibility that new people will enter the base.

    The man in black asked subconsciously, "What?"

    Ye Bai paused.

    "You don't know?"

    The man in black reacted instantly, moved quickly, turned over and jumped to the side wall.

    Ye Bai was stunned.

    Jiang Ran got up first and stood in front of Qi Yuan.

    Spiritual power erupted, forming a blue wall.

    The others also panicked and dispersed immediately.

    The man in black wanted to jump over the wall, and the next second—

    he felt that his hands and feet were bound.

    The surrounding air was surprisingly cold.

    He looked up, revealing a pale face.

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