Chapter 10

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Chapter 10, Look at the chance to stimulate the ability

    Qi Yuan stood on it.

    She immediately tense up and looked up at Jiang Ran and Ye Bai.

    Jiang Ran looked around vigilantly.

    Ye Bai's hand that was bitten by the zombie left a tooth mark, and the dark green blood leached out. He gritted his teeth and said, "Why are there so many zombies here?"

    Jiang Ran said: "This is the periphery of city a, and it is normal for many zombies. "

    The eyes of the surrounding zombies gathered on the two of them.

    Qi Yuan didn't know whether to go down or not.

    She took a step forward, the gravel rolled down, and all the zombies below looked up at Qi Yuan, grinning.

    Qi Yuan: "..."

    Excuse me.

    The following two are the big bosses of the zombie world in the future, so it should be nothing...

    She looked down hesitantly.

    The zombies didn't seem to intend to continue, but lingered around them.

    She saw Jiang Ran say to her with the shape of her lips: Come down.

    Qi Yuan: "!!"

    Brother, don't!

    She looked at the group of zombies in horror.

    What's more, his plot was originally a little koi, and he didn't mention it later.

    She stood tremblingly on top.

    There was a sudden rustling behind him.

    A chill rushed to Qi Yuan's forehead in an instant, she turned around slowly, and happened to meet the eyes of a zombie.

    Qi Yuan greeted cautiously: "Hi..."

    "Qi Yuan!"

    Jiang Ran's voice below was cold.

    Qi Yuan took the opportunity to grab the zipline and slid down directly.

    The expected pain did not come, but a cedar-like fragrance.

    She raised her eyes, just in line with Jiang Ran's gaze.

    The other party's eyes were dark, clear, and bottomless, but they had an inexplicable attraction, as if they wanted to suck her soul in.

    "Come down." Jiang Ran spat out two words.

    Only then did Qi Yuan react.

    She quickly got off Jiang Ran's body, but the zombies behind her also rushed up from above.

    Jiang Ran held a Tang knife in his hand and chopped off its head with one knife as if cutting a radish.

    The zombies fell down.

    But with the first, there will be a second.

    Qi Yuan stood behind Jiang Ran, dodging by instinct.

    And Ye Bai didn't have any weapons, so Qi Yuan took the opportunity to throw a Tang knife directly.

    Jiang Ran's movements were neat and tidy, but the zombies seemed to sense something, more and more.

    No matter how strong Jiang Ran is, it is impossible to defeat a hundred with one.


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