Chapter 39

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Chapter 39, Food is an extremely scarce resource in the last days

    After comforting the old lady, Qi Yuan spoke again, "I hope you can keep this matter a secret." The

    old lady raised her head blankly.

    Qi Yuan smiled slightly.

    Everyone is an ordinary person, and if you rashly tell others, it will only cause panic.

    Everything was arranged, and finally Yan Chen spoke first, "If that's the case, then I'll take the grandma home first."

    Qi Yuan nodded.

    After watching Yan Chen and the old lady leave, Qi Yuan turned to look at the zombies behind her again.

    Before Jiang Ran's control was lifted, she distributed the seeds purified by the old lady to the zombies.

    The zombies hoarse voices and growl a few words.

    But Jiang Ran's eyes swept away, but he still coaxed his shoulders, and obediently picked them up and planted them.

    Qi Yuan whispered, "These places are not enough."

    Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows, "Then make more space?"

    There are not many zombies here.

    Qi Yuan thought for a while, "If ordinary people from outside come in, they can go to other planting bases and distribute food according to their workload."

    Ye Bai's eyes instantly lit up, "Yes! It is indeed possible!"

    The hope of the end times is food.

    As long as the zombies outside do not evolve, there will be no problem.

    "Will they get out of control?" Qi Yuan frowned, looking at the zombies just now worriedly.

    "As long as it's within the control range, it won't." Jiang Ran glanced at them faintly, and said coldly, "If they get out of control, they will explode directly."

    Qi Yuan nodded.

    Several people agreed.

    Qi Yuan thought for a while, looked at Ye Bai, "You go to inform the guards, you can put all the people in, the gerbil's food should be able to let them eat for a while, I'll go get it."


    Qi Yuan's news has just been released When they came out, all the power users in the base were shocked.

    She was about to go back to the room to rest, but the door was kicked open.

    "Boss, we don't accept it!" An ability user suddenly said.

    Qi Yuan raised her eyes.

    There were other people around him, almost all of them resentful.

    "Why did the base we tried so hard to squeeze in wasted them!" The power user just now spoke first, his tone annoyed.

    As soon as he spoke, he was immediately echoed by the others.

    "That's it! Why?"

    "If that's the case, then I'd rather never walk into the base before!" The

    power users were bustling and loud, blocking the door.

    Jiang Ran's eyes were slightly cold, and she took a step forward.

    The icy aura instantly overwhelmed everyone.

    Everyone shrank involuntarily, but still irritated.

    Qi Yuan paused, "The base can already create food."

    When she finished, there was an uproar around her.

    They looked at each other, followed by ecstasy.

    create food?

    Qi Yuan asked back, "You don't know?"

    "I've heard of it." Some people held their breath and their voices trembled, "So, is this thing true?"

    They were dumbfounded.

    After all, this is the top priority of the end times.

    In the last days, the land resources are scarce, but food is actually created...?

    Qi Yuan glanced at it, "The thing about creating food is indeed true, but the problem now is that no one is planting it."

    She tapped on the table, "The base needs ordinary people to plant, and it also needs powers to perform tasks. , to observe the situation around the end of the world, the rewards of superpowers will be dozens of times higher than ordinary people." She smiled and asked, "I think you should not be willing to take only those     foods

    that are only for food and clothing."

It is an extremely scarce resource in the last days.

    No matter what you do, you need to have second-hand preparation.

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