Chapter 12

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Chapter 12, Yan Chen has a grudge against me

    His appearance was so sudden that everyone present stopped.

    Qi Yuan was still hesitating whether to say anything, but then she heard the man's eyes lit up and walked over quickly, "You have a wound from a mutant lizard bite, right?"

    He was so excited that Ye Bai was taken aback and immediately retreated. After a few steps, he looked at him warily.

    The man seemed to realize something, took out his business card from his pocket, and said in a low voice, "I was a researcher before the end of the world, this time I came from City D to study mutant animals, this time the target is mutant lizards ."

    Jiang Ran took the business card, and Qi Yuan glanced at his name.

    Chen Nan.

    She suddenly remembered.

    Chen Nan is indeed a researcher, and his research scope is not limited to animals, and even in the book, he made human food.

    Jiang Ran also saw these two words, and his expression paused, "We are going to the base in City A, if you don't mind, you can come with us."

    "Really?" Chen Nan's eyes burst with joy, "If it is This way, that's the best."

    Jiang Ran glanced at Chen Nan and said in a low voice, "It's right here."

    Right here?

    Several people were taken aback.

    There is a piece of yellow sand here, and it seems that there is nothing.

    Qi Yuan remembered that it was written in the book that the base in city a was extremely hidden, but the switch was on...

    She looked at the ground.

    There is a stone there.

    Qi Yuan squatted down and wanted to move away, but the stone was extremely tough.

    She frowned, and just as she was about to call someone for help, Jiang Ran's hand reached out first.

    "Strength." Jiang Ran said.

    There is an inexplicable cold fragrance on his body, it is obviously in the extremely hot desert, but people can't help but feel relaxed and happy.

    But the familiar touch made Qi Yuan react instantly. She took a deep breath and pulled the stone hard.


    Finally, the sound of the stone being pushed away sounded.

    Qi Yuan sat on the ground with a butt, breathing the air with a big mouth, her mouth was dry, and she looked up at the place where the door opened.

    I don't know when there are more stairs extending down on the ground, and the cold air is coming.

    Ye Bai opened his eyes wide, and Chen Nan was also a little surprised, "Is this the entrance to the base in City A?"

    Jiang Ran nodded.     And Ye Bai immediately said excitedly

    , "I didn't see it, you actually went to the base in City A?"

    "I haven't been there." Jiang Ran paused, "But I heard someone say it."

Without any doubts, he walked in quickly, and the door closed immediately.

    There are some dim lights inside. Unlike the crowded imagined, the base of city a is extremely empty, with multiple roads, and then there are more and more people inside.

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