Chapter 46

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Chapter 46, Intimidation

    From the neck of the front hall, blood oozes and falls drop by drop.

    Song Song was breathing quickly.

    The front hall gritted his teeth secretly and refused to let go.

    Jiang Ran stared at him condescendingly, "One hundred catties of radishes, whether to go or not."

    One hundred catties of radishes?

    What radish?

    The front hall didn't seem to hear clearly, "What did you say?"

    The oppression from the powerful person was undoubtedly suffocating.

    Every word seemed to be squeezed out of his throat.

    Jiang Ran looked at him fixedly, and repeated, "A hundred catties of radishes, do you want to go?" The

    front hall widened his eyes, but he didn't expect that it was not free.

    He took a deep breath, still hesitating.

    Jiang Ran raised the price, "two hundred catties."

    He didn't let go.

    The oppression is still there.

    If this person hadn't been right in front of him, the front hall would have almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.

    "Five hundred catties."

    Jiang Ran said lightly.

    Five hundred catties of radish is a great temptation in the last days.

    The front hall's face changed suddenly.

    As for Qi Yuan, she just blinked her eyes, obviously she didn't expect him to be...

    coercive and lure, and they all came together.


    Qi Yuan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

    Loosely said, "Okay ."

    There was a slight smile on her lips, "If it's just to clear the weeds, I promise."

    "Front hall, come with me." Song Song said softly.

    Jiang Ran let go of his hand, and his eyes were calm and indifferent.

    Qiantang gasped for breath, a little unwillingness in his eyes, but he still didn't speak.

    He lowered his head and looked at Song Song, "Okay."

    Qi Yuan's eyes were teasing, but she didn't expect that the front hall was still a strict wife.

    A few people decided the time. When Qi Yuan was leaving, she suddenly remembered something, "By the way, there may be a few friends who will come with you."

    Seeing the eyes in the front hall becoming nervous, Qi Yuan comforted her. "Don't worry, they get along very well." The

    agreed time soon arrived.

    The front hall stood outside with a stinky face.

    On the contrary, Song Song and Qi Yuan had a great conversation.

    Yan Chen was the last to come.

    She saw Song Song at a glance, raised her chin, and said in surprise, "This is..."

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