Mute dream

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Prompt: (requested) dream is mute, but wants to say "i love you"

* sorry for making so many of you cry last chapter, so now we've got some fluff to make up for it :)) *

Words: 1470
"Bye dream! I'll be back in a couple hours, I love you"George grinned.

Dream smiled widely, while making his hands into a heart, attempting to say it back. (🫶)

Dream selectively mute. There were a number a reasons for it. Whether it be insecurities in his voice, or severe anxiety. He just wouldn't speak very often, if at all.
He couldn't even remember the last time he said anything.

It was extremely hard to communicate with people, as he couldn't speak.
As time went on, Dream was becoming less and less selective. Instead, completely unable to speak. 

George was always encouraging, and supportive. Making sure dream had effectively explained what he needed, or wanted.

For example, they'd go to a coffee shop, and dream would point to what he wanted, then George would order for him.

Obviously, dream could read and write what he was thinking. Always having a notepad, and pen to do so.
His notes app was the most used app on his phone, as when George wasn't around, he'd use it to talk to people.

Dream watched as george left the house. It was nice fall day, and leaves fell from the autumn trees. Beautiful yellows and reds covering the ground and branches.

Sun peaked through the cloudy mountains, and perfect shadows cascaded onto the ground.

Dream waved goodbye, sitting on the couch to relax.
He was feeling motivated for a reason known to know one. Deciding to finally sit down, and learn what he had wanting to learn for ages.

He wanted to learn to sign.
He never felt the need for sign language, as he just always wrote his words down. The more time went on, the realization became sign language would be easier.

It was also the fact he knew, he wouldn't be back to speaking anytime soon. Needing a way to communicate without a pen and paper.

He was going google the basics of signing, but wanted to start simple.
He wanted to the basic way to sign 'I love you'.

Maybe it wouldn't be the most practical, but it was something he wanted to say for ages. If he couldn't do it verbally, he'd do it physically then.

Slowly approaching Sapnaps door, he knocked quietly. Not wanting to disturb his friend, as he knew he was most likely sleeping.

He heard Sapnap yell a permission to enter, and he did just that. Stepping inside the cozy, yet slightly cold room.
He saw Sapnap sitting at his desk, and karl resting on his lap.

Dream aw'd at one of Sapnaps hands holding onto Karl's, and the other playing a random game.

"Hi dream!" Karl smiled. He was always welcoming towards Dream. Along with sapnap, both understanding and accepting his disability.

Waving a hello, dream sat down on the empty bed. Sapnap turned to wait to hear why dream suddenly came into his room, though it was pleasantly welcomed.

Dream wrote down in his notes app, what he wanted to try and learn. Explaining he wanted to first learn to say 'I love you'.

"Ohh, you want to learn sign language?"

Dream dopely grinned, and nodded. Sapnap giggling at the reason, being to say it to George.

"Who knew you were a simp?"

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