Agre Regression pt. 3

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Prompt: (requested 3x) George finds out what really happened to Dream

Cw:mention of abuse and sexual assault
Words: 1772

It was the morning after George found out more about dreams childhood. The event, or more specifically events, that triggered dreams regression.

George had unknowingly become a lot more caring to dream. More than usual at least.

He'd fallen asleep beside him, and when he woke, George brought him breakfast in bed. Or he laid with him for hours, just cuddling and petting his beautiful hair.
He had even helped him regress to calm down.

But every time he saw his boyfriend, he could only be focused on his past. And how Dream had gone so long without telling someone about it.

The blond was almost invalidating his own feelings.

George had decided he needed more information. After the only time dream even told him about the trauma, was when he was little.
Meaning his vocabulary was limited, and couldn't explain things properly.

Dream had been far calmer, so George thought today was a fine day to sit and talk about it.
Dream had agreed to talk, as he himself was getting to stressed out from keeping it to himself.

So here they were. Sitting on the living room carpet, ready to discuss something both boys wished never even happened.

George had a cup of coffee in his hand, while the other hand rested on his lap.
Dream was sipping some tea, as coffee disgusted him.

The fireplace cascaded a sharp yellow glow on them. Both wrapped in blankets, hiding from the chilly weather.

"You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to, okay?" George started. Not knowing how to make the situation slightly less tense.

Dream nodded, but knew he'd answer anyway. George deserved to know, as he spent hours comforting him when he remembered a little too much of his childhood.

"I uh- might slip.." Dream mumbled. Referring to his involuntary regressions.

"That's all good, we can just talk about it another time if that happens" George said back sweetly.

He really wanted Dream to know it was okay for him to age regress. It never hurt anyone, and it made him happier. 
He didn't want the other to feel embarrassed or humiliated when a younger version of himself slipped.

"What if we start with boundaries again?" George suggested, wanting to start small with the conversation.

"Yeah sure.. I'd be fine with that"

George waited for his boyfriend to continue. Seeing his nervous demeanour. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze.

"When I'm little, I don't want do anything sexual, or make like- long lasting decisions.."

George nodded. He wouldn't even try to do anything sexual when dream was in that headspace. The brunette knowing he wouldn't be able to understand what he was getting into. Therefore unable to give consent of some sort.

"Can I still kiss you?" George questioned. Hoping so, as it was a gesture both boys adored.

"Yeah, but not on my lips.. because its overwhelming"

George smiled, and took a mental note. He could imagine a child being overwhelmed by that.

"Okay, so nothing too overstimulating"
George thought out loud.

Dream nodded, taking a sip of his tea. Appreciating George's acceptance to this other version of himself.

"I have some rules for you when you're feeling little, alright?" George spoke up.

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