Greif Kills

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Prompt: (requested) George comforting dream after patches died

Words: 1401

"Where is she?" Dream asked. Speaking so quietly George could barley hear.

George paused. He didn't know what to say. How was he supposed to explain to his boyfriend that his beloved cat was gone?

Dreams eyes grew glossy. Looking at George with so much hope, that it made George almost cry.

He was the one who was bringing home an empty pet carrier. The carrier that should have been holding patches.

Biting his lip, George's voice strained. Being unable to break the news to dream, who still was desperately staring at him.

The air was dry despite the rain outside. Dreams heart was thumping so quickly, that he could feel it shaking him.

"I'm sorry.."

As soon as the words left George's lips, Dreams heart dropped. Green irises immediately filling with tears as his body went into shock. Adrenaline forcing its way through his veins.

George's heart hurt for the other, as he set the carrier on the ground. Hoping Dream didn't hear the sound of the toy that was in it.

The brunette tried to make his way to dream, hoping to comfort him. Knowing this was the calm before the storm of greif.

"She's gone?" He asked in disbelief. Standing idly looking at George.

Even if the shock hadn't hit him yet, George wished he could take it all away. Do something to possible make all the pain go away.

"Wanna talk about it?" George asked softly, reaching his hand for Dream to take. Fully ready to sooth his boyfriend.

When dream didn't answer, George kissed the side of his cheek. Slowly pressing a delicate peck to a freckle dotted on his cheek.
He understood Dream was in shock, but wanted to help.

"Do you need some space?" George carefully said. Using his hand to brush away the bangs that hung over dreams forehead.

The other only nodded, and blinked a few times. Attempting to push back tears from falling back.
He'd never see patches again. 

"Okay baby, take your time" George said kindly. "When you wanna let it all out I'll be here for you."

Dream wordlessly made his way to his bedroom.
George decided it would be better if Dream didn't see the constant reminder of patches as he was trying to recover from her loss.

He picked up her lose toys, and her bed. Putting it in one of the moving boxes he had when he flew in from England.

He kept a few of her toys out in case Dream wanted to hold them. Not being able to help himself from smiling at how spoiled she was.

She deserved everything she could ever want.

As the hours past, George had spoken to Sapnap. Making sure he was also okay.
He hadn't been in Florida long enough to become very close to her, but was definitely still upset about it.

Hours past and George was sitting in the living room. Sapnap was talking to karl about how he was feeling, and George was awaiting to see his boyfriend.

It had just finished raining, which left the outside of the windows moist. It only added to the gloomy mood that was in the house.

The show George was watching became dull, as he was so worried about Dream. Hoping he was doing okay.

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