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Journal entry #459
    Well Jo, this is it. Im running away TONIGHT. But sadly, I can't take you... I'll be leaving you on the kitchen counter. So my parents will see you and read you. I want them to know why I ran away. I'll never forget you Jo.

    With that Marcy put her journal down. She sighed and got her bag. She began to pack. Regular stuff you would pack for a vacation or a night out. But this was different. This was a life changing decision. She packed her favorite jacket, some gloves, hoodies, and 2 pairs of jeans. She made sure she packed a first aid kit. She wasn't willing to get hurt out on the street.

    She walked to the front door. But, she stopped. Did she really want to go through with this? And how would she survive? Who was she kidding, a weakling like her couldn't survive out on the streets. But if she did run away, she could be free from the pressure her parents were putting on her. She would be free from Sasha. Her only "friend". Truth was Sasha was a terrible friend. Always her way or the highway. She really couldn't take it anymore. She tried to make new friends. But no one liked her. She pushed her thoughts away. She unlocked the door and headed for the train tracks.

    Marcy checked her watch. 2:03 AM. Perfect. She thought with a smirk. In 2 minutes, a freight train would arrive. It was traveling to King Street Station in Seattle, but it would make a stop at the Portland Transportation Center. She heard the train coming. When it came, she spotted a freight car that she could easily hop into. The cart neared closer. When it got close enough Marcy threw her bag into the cart. But the train fought back. It went faster, as if mocking the girl. Marcy's weak legs started to give out. When a hand popped out of the car. Marcy took it, not knowing that this action would change her life forever.

    The stranger pulled her up a bit too hard. They sent poor Marcy flying. She could've gotten hurt if not for the hay-bale that broke her fall. The stranger helped her up. "...Ow..." Marcy said. "Crap! Are you okay!" The stranger frantically said helping Marcy stand up. Thats when Marcy got her first glimpse at the girl. She looked to be about a year older than Marcy. She was dirty but didn't smell. She wore a beanie over her huge hair. Leaves and sticks stuck on it. She wore a grey zip-up hoodie with some type of logo on it. She had blue jeans with rips skewed about. And grey shoes with untied laces. She had somewhat dark skin and sparkling blue eyes. "Are you okay?" She asked. Marcy replied "I dunno, do I have any broken bones?" The stranger laughed and helped Marcy sit down.

    She grabbed a guitar that was leaned on the back wall of the car and began to tune it. Marcy leaned back on the hay-bale she fell on. She grabbed her bag and hugged it. "Thanks." She said looking at The stranger "No problem." They responded. Her eyes not leaving the tuning keys. "So you got a name green eyes?" Marcy giggled at the comment "My names Marcy. How about you?" The stranger seemed to shift. They hesitated before responding "Anne... Anne Boonchuy."

Run away Mar-MarWhere stories live. Discover now