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It was not just a nightmare. This "core" it liked to call itself. It wasn't a one time thing. Days passed, and Marcy would barely get any sleep. Before, it was painless. The dreams would only hurt Marcy emotionally. But then it began to get physical, in two ways. Every time Marcy would disagree with something the core said, a shock of pain would make her eyes shoot open.

Pain by the core's hand... and her own.

Marcy felt if she couldn't control the pain the core gave her. She could control the pain she inflicted on herself. Anne had known nothing of this of course. She only noticed the rapid deterioration of Marcy's energy each day. If only she knew what the core was doing to her.

Each visit the core would give Marcy would go a little something like this... "Marcy, if you needed to chose, would you rather Anne... or your parents?" The core would ask. "Uhm... Anne, my parents were terrible." She would answer. The core's many eyes narrowed and said. "How so?" And Marcy would begin to tell them about that. And the core would say "You're just being dramatic Mar-Mar." and Marcy would retaliate with "How is having self harm feelings after my dad screams at me for getting a -B dramatic! Also don't call me that..." then the core would rant on why they are correct. And Marcy would rant about how the core is incorrect. The core would shock her, and she would wake up.


And that would be on a good day! Multiple times did the core give her smaller shocks. Not enough to wake Marcy up... but certainly enough to hurt like hell.

It was only when Marcy was asleep, did Anne notice the cuts on Marcy's forearm. Marcy was mumbling in her sleep, when her hand lifted up to her face. Anne looked as her long sleeve lowered to her elbow. Along her forearm's, we're tiny small cuts. Anne gasped. Why would she do this? She shook Marcy awake. "...Annie?..." Marcy drowsily asked. "Yeah, it's me Marcy... what's this!" She waved Marcy's forearm in front of Marcy. Her eyes widened.

Anne started to rant about how bad this was for her... how she should've told her if she wasn't okay. And more motherly crap. "I really care about you Marce... don't do this." Anne finished pulling Marcy into a hug. She returned it as tears filled her eyes. "...okay..."

If only she knew.

Holy crap 1k reads! Thanks so freaking much guys! You really made my month! Next chapter out soon!

(Words 436)

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