The Sodies, and The Juicers

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"Marcy, could you come up here for a moment?" Marcy heard Hop Pop say. "Coming!"

Marcy clumsily climbed the stairs. It reminded her of the core. Why weren't they talking to her anymore? Maybe they wanted to get out of her way. "What's up HP?" Marcy asked. Hop Pop rubbed his neck. "I enrolled you in the local High School Marcy." "What?!" "You need a distraction! And you need to continue your education! Ya can't just quit because you're upset!" "Maybe, you could've ASKED!" "Nope! You need something to do. Your classes start tomorrow. And I don't wanna hear anymore complaining." Marcy grumbled and went back down to her basement.

"I don't need a distraction, I need my Anne..." Marcy whimpered. "Give it a chance Marcy, this could be good for you." The core said. "Pshh, I don't need High School!" Marcy cried "I learned this stuff by myself In 6th grade..." "That's not the point, you could meet a new friend." The core pointed out. "Who would wanna be friends with this mess..." Marcy mumbled.

Domino meowed and brushed against Marcy's leg. She pat their head. "Oh Domino, I hope you never get separated from someone you love..."


Marcy, Twig, and Polly were walking to school. Twigs Middle School was conjoined with Marcy's High School, so they were going to the same place. Polly however, was being dropped off at the Elementary School. Which was conveniently on the way.

As Marcy waved goodbye to Polly, she was reminded of her younger days. She wished she hadn't wasted them trying to get her parent's attention. It only made things worse.

Marcy split up from Twig, and headed to the main office.

The mood of the main office was, tense. Marcy was sure many arguments had been held here. Many suspended, many expelled. A blonde secretary looked up from her papers. "Marcy Wu?" She said in a thick Boston accent. "Y-yes." "Mr. Acock is waiting for you in his offices." Marcy held back a laugh at the name, and walked into the office.

A slim man with a shiny head, and a thick white beard sat at the desk. "Ah yes, Ms. Wu." He began, leaning back in his chair. "Let's see here... originally from LA... top student... no suspensions... Alright, here's your schedule!" He said handing her a piece of paper. "Thank you." Marcy said blankly. "Wait, before you go..." Marcy turned around and looked at him "Beware of the gangs in this school. They're no good punks. You're a nice girl, stay that way." And he turned back to his papers.

Marcy's first class was Science. The teacher, Mr. Tree, was an absolute sweetheart. He spoke in a calm soft voice, even when the rowdy kids got loud, he would keep his cool.

Her next class was History. Her teacher was Ms. Lewis. Ms. Lewis was strict, but kind. She seemed to have a good sense of humor, and she cared about her students.

Then there was the fated math class. The math class were Marcy's thoughts, would be proven false. The teacher there was a total ass. Her name was Mrs. Rudd. She didn't care about her class. She didn't seem interested in her subject. And she would easily get mad. "Alright class..." her old voice called. No one payed attention. "Class!" She yelled. Half the kids turned there head. Then some of the other half. The only ones who remained talking were the rowdy kids from science. "As you know, there a test today, please take the test from the pile." The students groaned, and formed a line to get a test.

When Marcy got hers and sat down, she took a moment to study the questions. They we're definitely not this grades level. Fortunately, Marcy had studied theses equations, and easily breezed through the questions.

When Marcy had finished, she sat back and closed her eyes. "Pssst..." a whisper sounded. Marcy didn't budge, it probably wasn't for her. "Pssst! You!" they whispered. Marcy opened one eye. She was meet with the relaxed face of one of the rowdy kids. The kids light green eyes had no sign of worry. Their messy brown hair reminded Marcy of Anne. Her oversized varsity jacket perfectly matched with her hairstyle."You're smart right?" She asked. Marcy hesitantly nodded. "Good, can I get the answers?"

Marcy hesitated. She didn't wanna be associated with the loud kids, they were annoying. But something in the back of her mind, told her to just do it.

Marcy nodded, and passed her paper to the edge of her desk. The brown haired girl copied them down. When the teacher came along, they separated. Marcy looked out the window. And the girl pretended to be stuck in the math problem. The teacher gave the girl a harsh, glare, but she had no shame in returning it. Finally, she had copied everything down. She gave Marcy a wink and flipped her test back to the front page. Marcy could barely read the girls messy handwriting, but she could figure out the name.

Charlie Jean Vance.


It was now lunch, the lunch room was crowed, Marcy scanned the room to find Twig, but she saw him with a crowd of Middle Schoolers. She decided that she would just skip lunch altogether, and go to the library instead, but before she could exit the cafeteria, a voice called to her. "Oi! You there!" Marcy looked at the direction where the noise was coming from, and she saw Charlie. She motioned for Marcy to come over to her. Her table in the corner was overflowing with people. Some were standing, others were sitting on the floor, and a lucky few where on the table.

Marcy shrugged and walked over to her. "Make room huh Darry?" She asked. The guy in question immediately obeyed and got up. He gave a respectful nod at Marcy. "This one right here!" Charlie said, patting Marcy's back "This one here got me a passing grade!" Cheers erupted from the table. Charlie waved her hand. And they stopped. "You a part of a clique yet kid?" Charlie asked. "N-no." "Well, how's about you join us? We need someone smart for once." She laughed, playfully glaring at the people at her table. "Really?" Marcy doubted. "Yeah! Unless you don't wanna, then we can't force you..." "Okay..." "Sweet, sit here." Charlie pointed at a seat next to hers. Marcy cautiously sat. "The redheads Rusty." Charlie smiled, motioning to the redhead next to her. "Hiya!" He gleefully said. "The small ones Billie." "I'm not small!" "And the bigger guy is Steven." "Hey." "You'll get to know the others soon enough."

Charlie talked to Marcy, turns out that the group had a lot in common with Marcy. They all liked video games. They played DnD. And they liked reading.

"Say Marcy, how about I tell you the history of us ruffians?" "Sure." "Oh boy..." Rusty sighed. Billie shook her head. Steven looked the other way. "Bout' a decade ago, there were two boys. One of them was named Pine, the other was Dallas. They did everything together. And had been friends since 2nd grade. One day they got into an argument of which is better. Soda, or juice." Charlie paused to take a breath "It seemed like an innocent fight, but it soon escalated. Kids around the cafeteria were taking sides. Even some Middle Schoolers got into the fun. Eventually lunch ended, and the two friends parted ways, as enemies. When the two boys graduated, they left the gangs youngest members as leaders. When those leaders graduated, they left their youngest members to be leaders."

"Why youngest?" Marcy wondered aloud. "Because they could lead for the longest." "Ah." Rusty interrupted Charlie next thought, when he said "Char, we need to give her a cap..." "Right!" "A cap? What's that?" Marcy asked.
Steven pulled out a bottle cap from his front pocket. And passed it to Billie. Billie took out a switch blade, and stabbed a small hole into it. Rusty took out sting, and put it through the hole. And Charlie tied it. "All SodaPops have a cap!" Charlie voiced. She reveled a cap under her jacket.

Marcy examined her cap. Duff root beer. Marcy hummed her thanks. "Teachers hate Sodies and Juicers, so keep that hidden.

One more Timeskip.

Marcy sat down on the leather chair in her basement. She had entered the school with no one. And had left with more friends than she could count in her fingers. All of them Sodas.
Charlie told her that every SodaPop had to swear they would protect each other. They had to be at least friendly with each other, and they can never hold a grudge. Only against Juicers.

Marcy smirked. Finally her intelligence was being used to help others. Marcy was to help the Sodas study, and get better grades.

Marcy smiled. She looked through the window at the moon. He smile didn't last long. "Oh Anne..." she said to herself "Come back to me soon, I need you."

Another chapter? I'm sick Rn so I can just write... yay! Next chapter will come out, probably Tuesday. Spring break means I can write more too. Anyways thanks for reading, what are you guy's opinion on the Sodas? They were recycled from a different Fanfic I never got to write... remover kids, always recycle!

(Words 1579)

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