Past mistakes

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Holy crap before we start... 2K reads!? Gosh, thanks to everyone who's been following the story, reading comments, and overall supporting this story! Tysm!

"So yeah, Sasha found us..." Marcy finished. It had been a day since the core gave her the dream. She had just finished telling Anne about the Sasha situation. "Anne simply sighed. She held her head in her hand and sniffled "God Marcy, your in a real mess because of me huh?" "What! Anne that's insane! It's not your fault!" Marcy protested "She was bound to find us anyway." "Yeah Anne, Marcy's right, it's now ones fault but Sasha's." Twig reassured. "Alright, but that doesn't make me feel better..." Anne weakly smiled. Marcy couldn't tell if she was teasing, or being serious. "Alright cmon you little outlaw." Anne said messing up Marcy's hair "Hop pop needs us to deliver some crap." Both Marcy and Twig groaned.

They walked back to the house, Twig ran ahead quickly while Marcy and Anne stayed behind. The two stared into each other's eyes. But said nothing. Slowly creeping closer together, until they were in each others arms. When they arrived at the house, they were greeted by Hop Pops stern voice "What in frog nation took you two so long!" He yelled. Anne looked of to the side and rubbed her neck. A small blush crept over her face, while Marcy answered. "Sorry Hop Pop..." she started "On the way back we saw some cool flowers and I begged Anne to let me study them for a bit." She lied. Hop Pop raised an eyebrow but turned away. "Here, you don't gotta deliver much today. Just over to Mrs. Croaker, and Mr. and Mrs. Park." He said handing over the creates. Anne picked the larger one up while Marcy took the smaller one. "Will do HP!" She called leaving the garage.

"Thank you Mr. Park!" Anne called over her shoulder waving to the blonde man. He waved back then shut his door. "Wonder where he got all his scars." Marcy wondered aloud. Anne shrugged. "Alright Marcy... Mr. Park gave us a huge tip, so how about we get into some mischief." Anne smirked. "Aright!" Marcy beamed.

Walking into a pawn shop, they started to look around. "Woah Anne look at this!" She pointed at a music box. "Cool! Wait, where have I seen it before..." Before Anne could contemplate this, Marcy dragged her away to see something else. The thing in question was an old book. "LionHearts guide to the worlds?" Anne asked "Yeah!" Marcy said bouncing up ecstatically. "Well it's only 2 bucks... alright!" Marcy grabbed the book and hugged Anne tightly. "Now lemme see what I'm getting..." Anne wandered. Marcy closely followed behind her, hugging her book. "Cool!" Anne said picking up a butterfly knife. Spun it open. It had a shiny blade. And it had a Blue and Green handle. It was huge to. "A 6 inch blade!" Anne said turning back to Marcy. "It pretty!" Marcy smiled. "Alright then let's pay!"

They quickly paid, but not before Anne swiped some rings. And then they walked back to the house.

Back at the house they ate and Anne read to Marcy. Half way through the chapter though, Twig and Polly came down to listen to, so it was a bit awkward to cuddle. Marcy was somewhat annoyed... but she could always snuggle later.

And after reading the chapter. They went for a walk.

Marcy and Anne walked through the Boston park. Marcy enjoyed it for the most part. But she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched.

When they had reached the corner of the park. Anne pulled out her knife and faced a tree. "Marcy, can you go wait on the other side of the tree for a minute?" She asked. Marcy raised an eyebrow but quickly went to the other side.

After a minute Anne called her back... and there on the tree was a big carving of a heart. And inside the heart was the letters AB + MW.
"Aww Anne..." Marcy said jumping up and kissing Anne's cheek. Anne blushed and awkwardly smiled. "Now let's get outta here... tree carvings are illegal now, I think..."

But they only made it a few paces away from the tree before a cold familiar hand gripped Marcy's shoulder.

Her blood ran cold and her face went pale.

"Hello Marceline." A female voice said. "Who the hell are you!" Anne said slapping the dark haired adults hand off of Marcy's shoulder. "I could ask you the same!" A man said grabbing Anne's wrist. Anne tugged her wrist away from the man and stood in front of Marcy.

Then a familiar blonde also stepped out. "Waybright!" Anne said spinning her knife open again. Her mouth dry. And eyes filled with blue rage. "Oh Marcy, don't tell me you've been hanging around with this... this delinquent." The woman said examining Anne.

Anne was about to fight them all at once for talking to Marcy like that. But Marcy took Anne's hand and stepped in front of her.

"Hello Mom, Dad, Sasha." She said blankly.

Anne's eyes widened. She looked down at Marcy. Her cold gaze remained fixated on the group of 3. Anne opened her mouth to speak but no words came. "I've read your little journal Marcy." Her father said throwing it at her feet. "And I am ashamed at the words you wrote here." Marcy kept her eyes on them. "Well Marcy! Say something you traitor!" Sasha said slapping Marcy across the face.

This was when Anne had enough.

Her eyes glowed blue with rage. And she tackled the blonde and pinned her to the earth. "I told you once, I'd pound the hell outta you if you ever stepped foot near my Marcy again." Sasha struggled under her weight. But Anne socked her hard in the jaw. Then to her eye. And she kept punching until the blonde was knocked out. Marcy father pulled Anne off before she could continue.

The father held Anne back while the mother spoke. "Now delinquent... I'll give you a choice." Marcy's mother began. "Either I take Marcy home. Or I take you. You knocked Sasha out in a few hits... your a good strong kid. Perfect for the family business." She finished. "Take me!" Anne said. "Just promise you won't touch her!" She cried. "Whatever..." the mother rolled her eyes "Come on now..." She said. She grabbed Anne and her husband picked up Sasha.

Anne glanced back at Marcy. She got free and hugged Marcy. Marcy started to cry. "Don't go.." she cried. Anne stayed silent and kissed Marcy.

"I love you."

Those where the last words he heard from Anne for awhile.

Now Marcy was alone in the park. Tears streaming down her face. Without a plan. Without comfort...

And without the love of her life.


Yes. I love sending people into a panic. This chapter was SO long! I just had to fit everything here. Anyways what did y'all think? Again thanks for the support, it really means a lot to me and encourages me to keep writing. Tysm!

(Words 1193)

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