Same old friends, same old bitter thoughts

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After the events of last night... Anne tried to imagine what would make Marcy do this. She thought it might've been stress. But when she asked her Marcy changed the subject. So she decided to leave the subject alone. Instead, she took Marcy to tourist attractions to lighten the mood.

"Hey... Marce? You awake?" Anne asked lightly shaking her. "Gah! Who... Oh, hey Anne." Marcy softly said. Anne's eyes softened. "Another nightmare?" "Yeah." She replied. "It'll be okay Marcy." Anne smiled. "Anyways, remember that dude that gave us 20 bucks? I have some left over, so do you wanna go on one of the swan boats?" "Oh uh yeah! That sounds fun!" Marcy said with fake cheerfulness.

Arriving at the docks, the duo paid the fee for a 2 person boat, and got on. While waiting for the boat operator, (Who was apparently was always late.) Marcy stared at the water. She was remembering her dream. It wasn't all bad like prior one's. But it was still something to remember. "Alright, alright, alright! Sorry I'm late!" A young ginger said running up to their boat.  "God, HP is going to kill me." he mumbled to himself grabbing the paddle. Anne's eyes widened. "Twig?" She asked, sparkles in her eyes. The boy spun around. "Howdy... Anne!" He went in for a hug but before he could, Anne gave him a huge punch in the gut. He fell off the boat. "That's what you get for leaving me dumbass!" she laughed. Marcy raised an eyebrow. "That's one of my old buddy's." Anne whispered. Twig swam back up to the surface and leaned in the boat. "Who's this Anne? Is it your girlfriend?" He said in a sing song voice. "Shut up man!" Anne tried to punch him again but he dodged. "This is Marcy!" Anne said slinging her arm around said girl. "Hi..." she weakly waved. "Not a talker eh? That's alright." He swam next to Marcy and nudged her shoulder. "Your just her type." He joked. "TWIG!" Anne yelled. She tried to grab him but he ducked underwater.

Twig was a friendly person in Marcy's eyes. He was fun, playful, and energetic. Marcy remembered when she was like that. He kept teasing Anne about getting a girlfriend. While Anne listened attentively. They seemed like they were siblings. What would've been hurtful insults if they were strangers, were simply jokes to them. Twig seemed very animated. He bounced around when he talked. Waved his hands in the air, and had amazing facial expressions.

"Man, how's Polly?" Anne asked. "Same old same old..." Twig said "She'll go crazy once she hears that I saw you." He smiled. Silence filled the boat. Not awkward silence. But comfortable silence. Anne's arms were spread across the port. While Twig sat in the starboard. Marcy was next to Anne. She leaned her head on Anne's chest and ignored the "oooh"s in the background. Suddenly, Twig's face lit up. "Ya know Anne," he smiled "My house isn't to far from here, wanna go see Polly?" "Do I!" Anne squealed. "Mar Mar, wanna go?" She asked. "Uhm yeah. If they are as friendly as Twig then sure!" Twig waved his hand down. "Alright, let's go! I'm sure my boss won't care is I miss another day." He shrugged.

Marcy thought a little bit about the core while walking. Just thinking about it made her light headed. She wonder what even the core even is. Right as she came to a conclusion... she felt a shock of pain rush through her body. She stood still, and became white as snow. "Marcy?" Anne asked turning around. The last thing Marcy heard that day, was the terrifying metallic voice of the core saying... "Your Anne can't save you now, can she?"

Cliffhanger?!!? I really like how this turned out. Next chapter is going to be quite interesting. 

(Words 648)

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