Sasha POV (again)

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The chick and Marcy ran off together. And I stood there... looking like an absolute idiot. The chick socked me right in the nose. So blood was pouring out of in. I grabbed a tissue from my bag, and held it over my nose. I then proceeded to yell curse words at no one. I got up and crossed my arms. "They've probably headed to the train station..." I thought. I grabbed my bag and ran to the station.

I arrived just in time to see a train pulling out of the station. "Excuse me!" I yelled at an employee "What train just pulled out?" "Uhm, train to Boston?" "Crap... When's the next train there?" "A week." Again, I started cursing.

I walked out of the station, guess I was going to have to stay here for awhile...

Hello hello! Short chapter, I know. I'm working on a different fanfic as well... but I won't post it until I finish this. I've got a few ideas for the next chapter... see y'all then!

(Words 175)

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