Maybe they want to help?

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It wasn't long before morning came. Marcy was in a deep slumber. Struggling against the core. While Anne was half sleeping. She could hear sounds around her. She just didn't really care.

"Anne! Cmon Hop Pop made breakfast!" Polly said shaking her. "Five more minutes..." Anne asked, not wanting to let go of Marcy. "Alright, but it's chocopeed pancakes!" (I have no idea if I spelled HP's pancakes correct.) Polly taunted. Anne shot up. She hadn't had pancakes in years. She shot up the stairs and ran into the kitchen. "Cmon Marcy! Wake up!" Polly yelled. She tried again and again, until she gave up, and left.

Little did they know why Marcy wasn't waking up.

"Marcy, be reasonable with me for a second." The metallic voice of the core said. "I'll be reasonable once you get outta my head!" Marcy yelled. The core ignored her "I have another proposal for you Marcy." Marcy crossed her arms and turned her head. The core moved in front of her. "While exploring your memories, I found an interesting fact. You are very clumsy." "No dip Sherlock." Marcy hissed. "Oh cmon, don't be like that, now listen. Give me power to control you in a moment of clumsiness, see how you like it, and give me your opinion."

Marcy's eyes widened. The core did make a point. "Will you be able to control me any other time?" She asked, her voice slowly softening. "Unless you give me the power, no." The core told. "Fine." Marcy mumbled "How do I give you power?" "Only wish it to be." The core smiled. Marcy then entered her mind, 'I wish the core had the ability to control me in a moment of clumsiness, and no more.' A sound rang out in the void, "It has been done." The core smiled "Now Marcy, I looked through your thoughts as well, I know you think I am the bad guy, but I am simply a part of you. I want to help you, keep you happy, please believe this." The core pleaded. "I'll need to find that out for myself." Marcy coldly said. "Of course. Now awake! It's morning!" The core shut down, and Marcy awoke.

Marcy was particularly pleased today. She felt more relaxed and relieved. She felt as she had made the right decision. Maybe the core did want to help. Before Marcy could continue her train of thought, she tripped.

Or more like almost tripped.

The core had caught her. They took control and saved her. Their movements were stiff and heavy. Like a robot. It then returned control to Marcy. "Woah..." Marcy said in awe. "Thank you..." she said aloud. And she walked up the stairs.

Anne was at the table, gobbling down a stack on pancakes, while Twig and Polly talked about what they had been up too. "You must be Marcy!" An old voice warmly said. Marcy wipped her head around, an old man with gray hair sticking out of the sides of his head, flipping pancakes smiled. "My name's Hopediah Plantar." He smiled. Marcy walked over to him and stuck out her hand "My name is Marcy!" She cheerfully said. "Feeling *nom* better Marce?" Anne asked from behind. "Yeah, yeah I am, I was just kinda..." a voice in the back of her head said 'dehydrated' "dehydrated, yup!" Marcy awaited a response. "Mkay! Make sure to *nom* take care of yourself! *nom*"

Marcy smiled and sat down to eat. 'Maybe the core did really wanna help.'

I loved how this turned out! I got a new o e brewing in my mind waiting to be written down! See you when it's out!

(Words 613)

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