Sasha POV part 2

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"Guh..." I groaned, sitting back at the table. I sighed. I was never going to find Marcy in a city as big a Seattle! I chewed on a doughnut before I heard yells from the back. "Im telling you what Mr Acok! If those street rats are outside... Im going to kill some people!" I laughed to my self... before I heard yells outside. Then a voice that sounded like Marcy's. I ran outside, leaving $5 on the table.

My head Swung around. Until I saw the two, on a nearby bench. I ran over and said "Mar Mar!!!" "What th- Gah!" I tackled her into a hug. She pushed me of. "Sasha!" She yelled. "Yas gurl." (Kill me now lmao) "now cmon let's go home." I took Marcy's hand, and she whimpered. "Oh cmon, don't be a baby Marce... I didn't grab your hand that hard!" Before she could respond. I felt someone grab my hand and twist it behind my back. "Waybright!" They yelled. I turned my head... and it was that same chick that Marcy was with before. She pushed me to the ground and put a foot on my back, holding me down. "Leave her alone." She said. Her blue eyes glowed. Her eyes were already sharp... and dangerous looking. But it was scary now. Marcy was off to the side. Holding her wrist. The chick picked me up and walked me over to a wall. She leaned me down and punched my face. "I don't wanna see your face around MY Marcy again." She said, her finger outstretched towards me. I nodded and she left

End of Sasha POV

Anne grabbed Marcy's hand. Gently, yet firm enough. "Marcy... we gotta leave..." Anne grabbed the bags and walked towards the train station. Marcy didn't complain. She was glad Anne stood up for her, but scared seeing how strong Anne was. The reached the train station and Anne rushed towards the nearest leaving train. Marcy barely got to read the sign, but it said Boston.

Anne threw the bags into a cargo cart. And hopped in. Marcy followed. A few seconds later, the train started moving. Marcy held back tears. Sasha had traveled all the way to Seattle to find her. But they just left her. Not like she didn't deserve it. But Marcy was to kind to not care at least a little bit. Tears spilled down her face. "Marce, I sorry that had to happen." Anne said putting a hand on her shoulder. Marcy turned away from Anne. "I'm sorry I have to be so helpless..." she muttered. "Marcy Wu! You are not helpless!" Anne yelled pulling Marcy into a hug. Marcy returned it. This day had doubled her worries. But for now she could enjoy the warmth of a hug from a true friendship.

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