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One Marcy woke up, the cores voice immediately sounded in Marcy's pounding head. "Don't worry about your girlfriend, she did it see me. That was merely a dream." "Oh, okay." Marcy said. "What the hell type of dream was that!" She yelled to the core. "Calm yourself Wu." It said "I was only warning you." "Warning me of what?!" Marcy asked. "What would happen if you ever crossed me." It sternly sounded.

It was still quite early. So Marcy decided she would take a walk. She quietly jotted down a note for Anne, then walked out into the street.

Marcy walked along the sidewalk. Admiring the small neighborhood around her. The sun was rising from the east, coating the world bellow in a beautiful mixture of orange and pink. She looked ahead at the lake where the swan boats were. It was somewhat far away, but she could make out the silhouette of a swan. She kept walking, the center of Boston wasn't too far, so she would walk there. Then walk back to the lake to think.

Arriving into the more urban part of Boston. Marcy looked around. There weren't many people around. There was a man in a black suit, walking quickly down the road. There was a cute couple holding hands, one had purplish hair. The other had short dark hair. There were laughing at something. (Guess who). And there was a blond with a scar, pinning something to a telephone pole.

Marcy didn't realize who it was at first. But when she looked a second time, her eyes widened. The blond looked around, then she walked away. "Sasha..." she whispered to herself.

Marcy ran up to the telephone pole, and was greeted by a poster that read...

"Beloved daughter missing!"
Wanted dead or alive!"
Reward 20,000!"

And below it was a picture of Marcy holding up a peace sign with both hands.

Marcy held back laughter and tears. Wanted dead or alive. What idiot would put that on a missing persons poster.

But then she saw the reward. 20,000 dollars. Sasha didn't have that money, neither did her parents. That could only mean... "Your parents." The core said. "Dead or alive?" Marcy said. She whimpered. "They don't care if I'm alive..." She whispered to herself. "They don't care!" she repeated. The couple in the street looked over at her. Marcy ignored their concerned looks and ripped the poster off the pole.

Marcy ran back toy the Plantar house. Poster in hand. Tears in eyes. She didn't stop running until she was right in front of the house. She opened the door and crumbled onto the floor.

She cried

She felt so alone. How would she tell this too Anne? How would Anne react? "Marcy?" A voice asked. Marcy turned away. "Are you okay?" The voice asked. Marcy realized it was Twig. "I'm fine." She said coldly. "Then what's that?" Twig asked grabbing the poster. Marcy tried to swipe it from him. But he pulled it away and read it. Marcy could see his eyes widened as he read it. "This is... not good. Not good at all." He said. "I know." Marcy sadly said. Twig pulled her into a hug. "We need to tell Anne." "I know... just... I don't wanna worry her." She sniffled. Twig let go of her. "You can tell her today at the lake. I'll go too in case she gets angry." Marcy nodded and went back to the basement.

Anne was awake now. She was laying in bed reading a book. "Hey there beautiful!" She greeted. "Hey Anne." Marcy weakly smiled. "Can we cuddle?" She asked. Anne moved to the side, and patted the bed for Marcy to sit down. She sat down and went under the covers. She hugged Anne and tried to forget what just happened. Anne rubbed her hand on Marcy's back, while still reading the book. Marcy was scared. But she focused on Anne's heartbeat. "Do you want me to read to you, Marcy?" Anne asked. "Yeah!" Marcy grinned.

Anne began to read the first chapter of The Outsiders. (Amazing book btw). Marcy couldn't help but smile. She remembered reading the book in school. She couldn't help but relate to the characters. A group of lost kids, trying to find their place in the world. Finding comfort together. When she had read that book, she didn't know why she couldn't find comfort with Sasha. But now that she had Anne, she could see why. She felt like she had a home with Anne. And she knew whenever Marcy needed her. Anne would be there. But with Sasha, she seemed a world apart from comfort. Anne had been so kind. She had taken Marcy under her wing, and guided her through her complex emotions. She listened. And Marcy listened too. "Just like the greasers..." she whispered. "Huh Marcy?" "N-nothing, keep reading." Anne shrugged and continued.

Once Anne had finished, she gave Marcy a small kiss on the head and said, "I really like reading to you Marcy. If you want, I'll do that same thing tonight!" She said getting up. "Yes please!" Marcy smiled. Anne fingered gunned her and walked upstairs.

"Just like the greasers."

Boy, this was a longer chapter huh? Anyways, sorry I haven't been uploading as much. School takes priority unfortunately. But I will try to update more. Anyways, see y'all in the next one!
(Words 903)

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