Is it really you?

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Before we start... WE ARE 2# IN MARCYWU! *ahem* thank you for the support, and enjoy the chapter!

During Anne's first 'shift'. Nothing really happened. Anne had the morning shift. And the afternoon shift. The morning shift was completely empty. And the afternoon shift was not completely full, but still good enough. In the morning, she was placed as a bouncer, and the afternoon, she was a blackjack dealer.

And at 6pm, her shift ended. Soon after, people flooded in. And the usual chaos returned.

Anne sat in bed and stared at the ceiling. She tried to imagine what Marcy was going through. What she was doing. And if Marcy missed her as much as Anne missed her. When Luz approached her she sighed and sat up. Luz sat on the bed next to her and smiled. "On Friday nights, the Wu family lets us go see our family, if we aren't on duty." Anne immediately became ecstatic. She had a chance to see her parents. But did she want to? What if something bad had happened. And everything was worse? Luz pulled her out of her thoughts. "They also let you bill them taxi rides, so you could go anywhere in LA you'd like!" She said.

Anne got up. "Alright! Can I leave now?" She asked. "Sure! Just make sure you sign out on that clipboard thingy." Luz said, gesturing to a wooden clipboard hanging on the wall. "Sweet."

Anne paced over to the clipboard, and she wrote her name down. Then she walked out the door.

Outside the casino, there were a couple of taxis parked. "Eni, meni, mini, moe... you!" Anne got into the selected taxi. "Where to darling?" A middle aged woman asked. "Can you take me here? And bill it on the Wu family." Anne voiced, pointing to her street on a map. "Alright." The woman responded, and they drove off.

As Anne sat in the backseat, she watched as the scenery began to look more familiar. Anne's heart sank when they passed her old school.

Minutes passed like hours. Anne couldn't help but bounce her leg up and down repeatedly.

What if they hate me for leaving? What if they don't recognize me, or they call the police?"

But it was to lay to worry. They had pulled up on Anne's street.

"Out you go dear." The driver grinned. "Thank you..." Anne mumbled stepping out of the car. Anne watched as the car sped off.

And she began walking. Her house was just up the street. A wave of nostalgia hit her as she walked along. She remembered playing with the neighbors on the street. Riding her bike, walking home from school. It was a good hurt.

Anne paused as she approached her old home. Did she really wanna do this?


She needed to do this, this was the only way she could possibly get help. And she couldn't avoid her parents forever.

Anne sighed and slowly creeped up the steps. She gulped and she knocked the door.

Knock... knock... knock.

Footsteps were heard, Anne contemplated diving into a bush or something. But her feet planted, and she stood her ground.

The door slowly opened. And Anne's father stood before her. Anne held back tears as he asked, "Hello... is there something I can help with?" Anne softly chuckled. "You don't recognize me?" She asked. "No I-" he paused. He squinted and looked closer. Then his eyes widened. And filled with tears. "Is it r-really you, Anne?" He asked. Anne simply extended her arms out. Her father hugged her tight. Very tight. "Dad your c-chocking me..." Anne gasped. Her father let go and lightly slapped her face. "You don't know how much you scared me!" He cried "You just left a note on the counter, and we couldn't find you! For years Anne! Years!" Anne rubbed her cheek "I'm here no dad." She grinned. "Yeah, and see to it that ya' stay." He smiled extending his finger in her direction "Get in here kiddo."

Anne fidgeted with her fingers on the couch. Her home hadn't changed much, it was still warm and cozy. Dad had bought back his gaming stuff. And they seemed better off now. Anne's mother was making tea in the kitchen. She had to be dragged away by Anne's father.

Anne smiled when both her parents returned. Her mother handed her a cup of green tea, and they sat down next to her. "So Anne," Her mother began "what's runaway life like?" "Well, it's fun! You get to meet all types of people, go anywhere you want. But it sometimes gets lonely, and hopeless..." she explained. "Did you travel with anyone specific?" Her father asked. "Oh! U-uhm..." Anne paused. Did she wanna mention her relationship with Marcy to them? Anne gulped. "Yeah, I traveled with two siblings for a year, then awhile ago, I meet my... girlfriend... Marcy Wu." Her parents looked at each other's eyes. Previously Anne could interpret their whole looking conversations, but it had been so long, Anne had forgotten how.

A few seconds later, her parents cracked a cocky smirk. "Ooooooooo!" The both coed. Anne rolled her eyes, and chuckled in relief. "Where is she? Can I meet her?!" Anne's mother immediately asked. Anne pouted. "Mom, you don't know how much I wish you could meet her." Anne sighed, curling her knees to her chest. "But she's in Boston, and we're here..." "Boston?" Her two parents said at the same time. Anne sadly nodded. "I'm going to tell you everything..."

And she did.

She told them about Marcy.

The Plantars.

And the Wu family.

"And... I need your help." She finished. Anne's parents smiled. "We wouldn't rather do anything." They said pulling her into a double hug. And Anne let the tears roll down her cheeks.

After all that, Anne promised that she would visit next week. And headed off to find a taxi.

Peaceful rain started to drizzle down as Anne walked. She walked to the end of the street, then spotted a near by taxi. She hopped in. "Wurry not casino please, bill it on the Wu family." "Will do." The dark skinned driver said.

Anne couldn't help but feel happier. She had closer that her parents were all right, she had made a friend. And had a plan to get back to Boston.

There was only one thing bothering her.

What if Marcy had taken it really badly? She had self harmed before.

Anne prayed she hadn't done it again.

"Stay in one piece for me Mar-Mar." she mumbled to herself "I'll bee with you soon...

I hope."

Another chapter down! I regret to inform y'all, that I might not update the story during mid-April. I got testing and crap. Anyways... next chapters going to be Marcy's POV. Adios.

(Words 1143)

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