Dumpster donuts

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When the duo woke up, they were extremely hungry. And since they blew there money on the hotel room, they were going to have to scavenge for food. As they looked around for some grub, they got to talking about their past. "Uhh so yeah, long story short, my dad was a bully, my mom was a bitch, and my best "friend" was a jerk." "Damn Marbles!" Anne exclaimed "What was her name again... Sasha Gaybright?" "Pshhh! No!" Marcy laughed pushing Anne playfully. "Well anyways she sounds like a jerk! No one should treat you like that!" Anne said. "Yeah but she was super scary!" Marcy explained "She WAS the popular blonde girl in those high school movies." "Ha! I bet she's just a wimp who gets the jocks to protect her." Anne snorted. Well she had a point there. Marcy thought

Then they arrived at the place Anne thought there would be food. "Bingo!" She said snapping her fingers "Cmon Marcy! Breakfast awaits!" "Ok ok slow down!" Marcy laughed. She saw Anne jumping over a wooden fence with no problem. Crap Marcy thought. I'm too short to do that! She panicked for a bit before she heard a call from the other side. "Yo Marbles you coming or what?" Alright Marcy. It's now or never. She backed up... and ran at full speed face first into the fence. She didn't even jump. She heard howls of laughter from the other side. "Marce!" Anne said in between giggles "The ideas to jump!" She climbed up the fence and extended her hand out to Marcy. Which she reluctantly took.

     Marcy climbed over then fence, and landed face first on the other side. More giggles from Anne. "Oh har-har." Marcy sarcastically said. "So where's our food?" She asked. Anne pointed over to a small dumpster on the far side of the fence. "I know it looks gross but trust me." Anne said walking to the dumpster. Marcy curiously followed. Anne flung open the dumpster and asked Marcy "So what will the fine lady be having tonight?" Marcy snickered but played along. "What does the fine establishment serve?" She asked in a fancy voice. "Donuts." Anne claimed, her upper body now fully in the dumpster. She pulled out 4 donuts from the dumpster. All of them clean. All of them still fresh. Marcy tasted one of them and there was nothing wrong with them.

     They both ate the dumpster donuts before they heard faint yells from the building in front of them. "I'm telling you what Mr Acok! If it's those street rats  outside, I'm going to kill some people." They duo shot up and climbed the fence. Marcy's fight or flight kicked in and she was able to climb the fence in a second. Anne was climbing up when a man burst through the door "Get outta my town street rats!" The man said. Anne flipped him off and yelled "Go to hell ya' jerk!" Anne said yelled while climbing over the fence. She climbed over the fence and fell on top of Marcy. "Oof." Marcy said "Gah! Sorry Marcy. We better get outta here!" Anne exclaimed jumping up. They both ran trough Seattle. Until they got tired and collapsed on a bench.

     "What a rush!" Marcy squealed. "Yup! That's the runaway life for you." Anne said. "Alright Anne, I told you my backstory... how about yours?" Anne looked up at they sky. And she began to tell Marcy her life story.

Yo! I got this chapter done, I had a whole other plan for this, but I scrapped it last minute. Next chapter might be short. It's just going to be Anne backstory. So uh yeah, see you in the next one.
(624 words)

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