No human can resist

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Marcy awoke in a black void. "What's new?" She sarcastically said to herself. The core awoke too. "Ah yes, you've arrived." It said. "You're wondering why your here, aren't you? Well, it's because I have a proposal no human could resist." "Go on." Marcy nodded. The core narrowed its eyes and leaned forward. "In exchange for your human form, I will send you into a deep sleep. You will dream of endless adventures with your Anne. Live out your human fantasies. Anything you would like, would be given to you. What do you think?" The core positioned itself to be right in front of Marcy. "Well... no who would ever accept that!" Marcy laughed. The core's eyes widened. "What? I was certain that would work." It said.

The core tried to bribe Marcy. It tried to threaten her, beg her, and just about everything. But she wouldn't budge. "Fine child, you leave me no choice." The ground beneath her rumbled, and fell.

She fell for hours. Real hours. She spent 7 painstaking hours just falling. She couldn't tell where the ground was. So she didn't know when she would hit the ground. The first hour was mostly screaming and crying. The second was throwing up from the nausea. The third was cursing the core out, and so was the fourth. The fifth was silence. The sixth was tears. And the seventh was crying, crying for someone to save her from this nightmare. Crying for someone. Crying for Anne.

At the end of the seventh hour. A grandfather clock struck. "Seven, the number of perfection. You are dismissed Marcy." The metallic voice said. Before she could curse at it. She hit the ground. She fell on top of a giant spike. It felt like she had been burned. She couldn't scream. She couldn't cry. For seven seconds. She sat there. In agony.

Marcy shot up and looked around. She was in a bed, leaning against a wall. A window just above the side of the bed shined upon not only Marcy. But Anne. A snoring Anne. She was hugging Marcy at her neck. Sleeping peacefully. Something that seemed so alien to Marcy now.

Marcy lowered down to the bed and cuddled with Anne. Slowly, she fell asleep to. But the core didn't torment her. He gifted her a dream.

Marcy was sitting in an open field, she was journaling about something, when she heard a familiar voice call her name. She looked in the direction it came from. And there was Anne. Marcy got up and walked over to her. "Mar Mar! Wanna climb this tree with me!" Anne asked with a dorky smile. Marcy nodded and Anne helped her up.

The duo sat in the tree, looking over the plain field. "Wow, It's beautiful." Marcy noted. "So are you!" Anne teased. "Oh cmon Anne." Marcy rolled her eyes. "It's true though! You really are..." Anne smiled, scooting next to Marcy. Marcy's leaned into Anne's hug and smiled. She pulled Anne down to her level and kissed her.

Back in the real world. Twig walked into the basement. "Yo Anne, Hop Pop made some..." he stoped. "No way." He smirked. He quietly went upstairs, and got his camera. He snapped a picture of the two cuddling and laughed to himself. "Anne's going to be SO mad!" He laughed, and he ran up stairs to show Polly.

Chapter 14! I think...

Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and support!

I have another poll for y'all. Next chapter will be...

1. Sasha POV after being beaten up...

2. Another core dream...

3. Twig dragging the duo around Boston.

If no one votes I'll do option 1. I request that you only vote one option :D. Alright, let's see what you vote!

(Words 633)

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