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Marcy sat in a tree, Charlie was in front of the tree skipping rocks in a pond. Rusty was racing around the pond, and Steven was looking to catch frogs. On the other side of the pond, was the old Boston Shilo school house. Abandoned and left to rot. The sun created a pink sky, and the pink sky reflected on Marcy's face.

Marcy went down next to Charlie. The shorter girl didn't notice Marcy come up behind her, for she was too busy skipping rocks. Marcy tapped her shoulder and the girl swung around.

"Sup dumbass." Charlie winked. Marcy rolled her eyes. "Can you show me how to do that?" Marcy asked. "Do what?"

"Skip rocks."

Charlie looked thoughtful for a moment, before shrugging. "Pick out a smooth flat rock dude."

Marcy does so.

"Now try and flick your wrist outwards, and let go of the rock." Charlie demonstrates.

Marcy fails miserably but Charlie just shows her how. Eventually she's able to skip the rock twice and Charlie let's put a small clap. "I knew you weren't a complete failure."

Then they got bored and left. Rusty left to go on a date with some girl. Steven had a family gathering. Charlie had to go refill her 'WW3 supply kit.' Which just meant she was going to Walmart to steal beans. So Marcy was left alone.

She found herself wandering to the city center. The large over head towers. China town, then the airport. She looked at it and tried to ignore her feeling of worry, anger and sadness.

She headed to a small restaurant chain. She ordered some dumb sandwich, ate and left.

She was truly feeling bored.

Very bored.

Bored enough to go home.

So she went home.

She went through the trap door at the back of the plantar house after about an hour of walking. She laid in her bed and tried to sleep. She thought of the Sodas, particularly Steven. She laughed as she came up with a small theory he was in the closet. She shook it off, it wasn't nice to think about people like that.

At midnight she jolted up hearing a soft gentle knock on the door. She groaned and opened it.

"Hey Marcy! You won't believe it!" Twig said excited. "What?"

"Anne's back! Hop pop got a call from an airport pay phone and went to pick her up!"

Marcy's heart stoped. Before she scoffed. "Likely story. How's she get away?"

Twig shrugged. "I dunno."

Marcy smirked "probably bullshit."

Twig looked confused, his eyes widened "who'd play something so cruel?"

Marcy looked down, she didn't know... "aha! My parents. Yep. Them."

Twig looked down then looked up. "Other then them."

"No one"



"Ugh your so annoying. When she's here don't be a bitch okay?"

"Fuck you~" Marcy ended teasingly in a sing song voice.


Anne had been in Hop pops car, he was driving her the half an hour ride back to his place after a teary reunion. "How's Marcy?" Anne asked eagerly... part of her hopes she was some what upset that Anne was gone. Anne wouldn't be surprised of she was but she wanted to hear the words. But Hop pop simply responded with "she's fine."

Anne frowned but looked ahead. They turned off the highway into there small town. They turned to the street... then to the house. Hop pop said he'd stay inside to Anne could greet Marcy in private. Anne weakly smiled and went to the back of the house, to the trapdoor that lead to the basement. She softly knocked, and heard a rustle, then footsteps.

And there she was.

Her hair slightly messy, soft and fluffy.

A knee scrape with a trickle of blood running down it.

And an angry glare.

Anne smiled "Marcy!" She wailed and went to hug Marcy... but she was met with a hand...

A hard long slap across the face. That stung all too much. And tossed Anne to the ground.

HELL YEAH I GOT BACK MOTIVATION. Actually maybe. I was bored and C.AI wasn't working so I wrote this chapter. It's sloppy and short but we have SWEAR WORDS. And we have funny things to come... anyways later skaters 🤟

Words (718)

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