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Marcy spent the rest of the week learning about her new friends. Charlie was your usual tough kid. She told Marcy stories of gang wars between Sodas and Juicers. She told Marcy the story about the scar across her nose. And she told Marcy how to use a switchblade. Marcy usually read with Rusty. They would spend any spare time in the library, checking out books. And maybe graffitiing the bookshelves, that was mostly Rusty though. And Billie would teach Marcy how to play the bass guitar. Granted, Marcy wasn't the best, but it gave her something to look forward to. It was only Steven that Marcy had yet to talk with.

Steven was closed off, but you wouldn't guess it. He seemed constantly alert, and he was so much more different then the other 3. While they would throw paper balls at the juicers, and taunt them. Steven would watch from the corner of his eye. And make sure Charlie, Rusty, and Billie didn't get beat up. Marcy didn't taunt the juicers either, but she did understand way Sodas did.

As Charlie recalled, one morning, Pine was walking alone. He was walking through Juicer territory, so he could get to school. This was apparently before Juicers and Sodas actually showed violence or straight hatred towards each other. So Pine got jumped by Juicers, and he got beat 'real bad', as Charlie said it. From that day on, Sodas and Juicers never showed sympathy towards each other. As well as never being the same, both side elected 'deputies'. Deputies were the gang leaders right hand men. They made sure the leaders didn't get to in over there heads, and would help arrange meetups and preparations for wars. Rusty was Charlie's deputy. And a girl named Sam was the Juicer deputy.


After a long school day, Marcy walked along with the Sodas. Most of them were going home, or going to work. And one by one, they waved goodbye to the others. Leaving only the main group of Sodas. "Alright, y'all wanna go get cat food?" Charlie asked once the last Soda left. Rusty chuckled, "I'm sure your cat doesn't eat that much." "Well... I just wanna steal today." Charlie shrugged, "Besides, I need to eat too." Marcy flinched, she hadn't stolen since that time in Portland. And she still wasn't comfortable doing it. Quickly, she made up an excuse to leave. "U-uhm, my cats waiting for me at home, so I better beat it..." she stuttered. "Pshh, you can't lie to me." Charlie scoffed. "Leave her alone Char. I'll walk her home..." Steven's deep voice sounded. "Oooo~ why do you wanna walk her home champ~?" Charlie smirked in a stupid voice. Steven just blushed. "Come on." He muttered under his breath. "Bye Marcy! Bye Stevie!" Rusty smiled. Marcy turned and waved. But Steven only shoved his thumbs into his pocket and walked faster.

The walk was filled with awkward silence. Marcy glanced up at Steven, but he kept his amber gaze focused on the road ahead. Finally, he broke the silence. "I'm not walking you home because I like you..." he murmured. "I figured." Marcy weakly laughed. "Heh." He responded.

A few more minutes passed, before Marcy asked, "Why are you waking me home?" Steven sighed. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair. "Because I don't want anyone else to get jumped." He told. "Anyone else?" Marcy pressed. Steven nodded. He looked down at Marcy. "Awhile ago, I got jumped by the Juicer's deputy. He cut me up real bad. I don't think I would've lived if Darry hadn't found me." "A big guy like you?" Marcy smirked punching his eyes. He glared at her. "Fists can only do so much, especially when they have a blade, and you have nothing." "Oh..."

The blonde boy then sighed, "I remember when Rusty got jumped." "What happened to him?" Marcy asked. "They basically left him for the dogs." Steven huffed "He was left in a catatonic for a couple days. Charlie was scared as hell. And The Sodas were in risk of breaking up. But when Rusty woke up, he told The Sodies that whatever happened, they need to stay together." Marcy smiled "So basically y'all are a bunch of softies." Steven laughed, one of those huge heartily laughs, "Don't let Charlie hear you say that."

When they arrived at Marcy's street, she told Steven, "This is it! Thanks for walking me." Steven nodded and looked at the street sign. Then his eyes widened in shock. "Marcy... you are in so much trouble." "Huh? Why!" "You not only live on Juicer territory, but you live next to the deputy!" He cried. "I do?" "Yes! Oh god Charlie gunna kill you." He shook his head, "Whatever, we'll figure this out later. Have a good night." Marcy nodded and walked to her home.

As Marcy walked into the house, she was greeted by Twig, who had walked home earlier. "Hiya Marcy!" "Hey Twig."

Marcy put her books down, and took off the Soda cap the Sodies gave her. "Marcy, are you a Soda?" Twig asked in disbelief. "Yeah, why?" Twig shook his head. "Why didn't you ask me about the gangs before you joined one?!" "I dunno!" "My god Marcy, we can't be seen together, I'm a Juicer, and the deputy lives next door!"

Marcy looked at him, "I'm not leaving, Juicers are no good cheats from what I've heard." Twig gasped in offense, "From what I've heard, Sodas are no different!" Marcy scoffed, "Do you really want to argue about this right now?" "No. But I do want to protect you from trouble, for Anne's sake." He replied. "But there's nothing to protect me from, this whole gang war is a bunch of malarkey to me." Marcy snorted. "I guess but just be careful, Charlie can get quite punchy." "Alright." And Marcy slipped downstairs.

She sat at her desk, tapping her pen in a homework problem. She scribbled down a random answer, and moved on. She really didn't want to do work right now. So she puked out a piece of paper, and started to write a letter to Anne. She found that her hands vigorously wrote. And she didn't realize how much pressure she was putting in the pencil, until it snapped in half. The paper was a scribbling mess.

Marcy sighed, she need a break. She turned to Domino, and stroked her pelt. "Core?" She asked aloud. A few seconds passed before a response came. "Yes?" "I want a dream, I don't care if it's a bad, good, or normal one. Just something to take my mind off of life. If you can."  The core hummed in agreement and said, "Lie down." Marcy did as instructed. And the core gave her a dream.

Marcy sat in the middle of a small field. It seemed like a baseball field, with two hills parallel to each other. Marcy looked to her left, and she saw a huge crowd of people. She could recognize the Sodas among them. But the group looked twice the size of them. Charlie faced the field. She didn't seem to notice Marcy. Next to her was Rusty, and, Marcy herself? Confused, Marcy stood. Charlie looked at someone next to her, who leaned over and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, and they all continued to study the field. Marcy looked to her right, and saw a similar crowd of people. They were further away, so she could make out anyone, but she could see that they were also studying the field.

Before Marcy could even process what was going on. Both sides raced into the field. They began tackling one another. One of them even passed through Marcy. It was total chaos. Fights were breaking out. Some kids were taking on young adults. Marcy winced. She heard a large yell from one side. She looked over and saw Anne in the middle of the fights. She pounced onto someone and yelled, "How dare you take over our territory!" The person she fought laughed. "After today child, this place will be just another casino for you goons to work in." Anne yelled again as they rolled over onto her. Marcy watched her wrestle with this person. And then the dream faded to darkness.

I didn't like how this one turned out. It was a bit messy, but I didn't want to separate the dream from the real part. That would just leave a short chapter. But anyways, that all really. Thank you for the comments and support. It really motivates me to continue writing these. The two gangs are going to be playing big parts in the next chapters to come. Think of it as like, the final battle in the show. Something similar to that is going to happen...

(Words 1475)

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