Treat with respect

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First story broke so had to be RE published...
Inspired by my work stories... tho I worked with my dad, not fast food...

Anne made her way back to her room. She still felt suspicious of Mr. Wu. He had such a sudden change of heart. Anne didn't know if she could trust him. But at this point, she would do anything to get back to Marcy.
Asleep, Anne dreamed of a soft bed, with a warm sunshine invading through a window. Cuddling with the only person who mattered. It almost felt real.

When Anne woke, she vowed she would have moments like that with Marcy again. She vowed that her father would treat her with respect. And she promised that when she went back, she wouldn't leave again.

Anne did the usual morning crap. Then started her morning shift. She kicked out the hungover dudes. And cleaned there mess. Then she tended to the small group of people who gambled in the morning.

Then afternoon came. Anne meet with Mr. Wu again, and he informed her that he had landed her an afternoon job at a local fast food chain. Great.

"Your shift starts in an hour. You'll make 10.47 a hour. You only need to work a week for the tickets." He said. Anne nodded and asked "How much do the tickets cost?" "About 150 each, so 30 hours total." He responded. "Okay, I'll go get ready than."

Mr. Wu handed her the address on a piece of paper. "Thank you Anne!" he called to her. Anne gave him a respectful dip of the head. And went to get ready.

Anne took of the red blazer uniform. And put on her regular jacket, socks and sandals. (I don't care what you think, socks and sandals are such a good combination.) And she walked out the doorway.

Anne had time to kill before she had to go to her new job, so she decided to walk to her parents house. She remembered the way now, and she could get there quickly via a shortcut.
Anne nocked on the door. "Anne! Come in!" Her mother greeted. "Hey mom!" Anne smiled and walked in. "I found a way to get to Boston in a week!" She told. "Oh... Anne are you sure you want to go back there?" Her mother asked. "Ma, I have to, for Marcy, and her dad." "Her father!?" Anne's dad peaked into the room through the kitchen. "I thought he was the bad guy..." "He just wants to reconcile with his daughter. He realized he was a jerk, and he wants another shot! That's not so bad." Anne explained. Her parents gave each other a worried glance. "Are you sure you can trust him?" Her mom asked. "Yeah, I can tell he's not lying." "Alright then..."

Anne caught up with her parents for awhile, then headed for her job.

"You must be the new kid?" A man greeted her when she walked in. "Yup!" "Right, come with me."

The man lead her to a back room, and sat her down in a chair. He sat down in the comfier chair and said
"Now I want you to know that your only here because we are in debt to your father in-law." Father in-law... Anne thought to herself. Does he mean Marcy's dad? 1. How the hell did he know. 2. Why is he shipping us! "Hey! Earth to Anne!" The man yelled. "Right, sorry..." "Ahem, now your file says your 19. You've lived here your whole life, and this is your first job. Correct?" Dispute all that information being horribly wrong. Anne nodded. "Right, then get to the register. You work until 12AM, closing time."

The first person Anne attended was a little old lady with a cane. "What can I getcha'?" Anne asked. "I'll have a... a.... A soup.... With chicken... and some fries..." "Is that all?" "I wasn't done yet!" The old lady yelled. "Youngins these day, no respect for the elderly, back in my day we respect elders! I want some juice too." Anne rolled her eyes. "Totals 13 dollars." "13 dol-! Y-your scamin' me! In my day, you could by the whole menu for that price!" "Sorry dude, inflation..." the lady scoffed and took her food. She left mumbling to herself about how stupid kids are. "Next!"

The rest of the day went smoothly, until her last customer. Just by the look on her face, Anne knew she would be difficult. "Hey, what can I fetch ya'?"  "Uhm, yes hi, I want..." and she began to list out a bunch of stuff. When Anne repeated her order back to her, apparently she had gotten on of the drinks wrong. "Uhm. No, I wanted root beer, not Pepsi. Jesus, can't you get anything right? Like I'm paying you for my meal, and you can't even a drink right." She said. "Dude, it's almost midnight, I have no idea what the hell you're doing here at 11:49PM. But treat us with some damned respect!" Anne pleaded. The lady proceeded to call the police. Anne slapped her hands to her face as she exhaustedly explained her story to the officers. They promptly arrested the woman, but scolded Anne for using 'foul language.'

Anne finally got home. And she fell onto her bed. "Do you know how late it is young lady?" A voice said behind her. Anne turned around, praying it wasn't Mrs. Wu. It was Luz. She had a stupid grin on her face. "Not now Luz. It's been a rough day..." "Oh, you're no fun." Luz pouted, but she left Anne alone.

Anne finally fell asleep, and dreamed of Marcy.
Snow covered the outside world. The blizzard raging outside was no stranger to Boston. They got one of these every winter. Thankfully, Anne was curled up inside with Marcy. They were watching some dumb romance. Neither of them were a fan. The plot was out of whack, the script sucked. And they had spent good money renting it.

Marcy pouted when the credits played. "Well that sucked..." she sighed. "Sucked ass." Anne shivered. "Promise me we won't be that lovey dovey like that. That was weird." Marcy asked. "Marcy, I'll always love you. But not like that pile of garbage..." Anne laughed. "He cheated on her twice, and she still got with him!" Marcy cried. Anne laughed and hugged Marcy. "I don't know what if do with our you to keep me sane." Marcy chuckled. Anne hummed. She hoped real life Marcy wasn't going insane. That would be terrible.

Anne stayed with Marcy until the dream ended. She sat up and stretched out. "Oh Mar Mar, you brave lionheart. Stay gold." She muttered to herself. "Stay gold."

Work stories! My dad had a lady come in and complain about how my brother treated her. And a Karen called the cops on my dad for dumping trash into a dumpster he owned. That was a fun day. Anyways, that's all... question, Soda or Juice? I know SodaPop is the name of Marcy's gang. But juice is okay too. I would prefer soda though. How about y'all?

(Words 1197)

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