Portland's worst granola thieves

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The train ride was long but Marcy was able to sleep through half. And the rest she was able to learn a bit about Anne. They also made a plan. Since Marcy had no experience on the streets, she would stay with Anne until she could hold her own.

        When they got to Portland, they hopped of, got their stuff and played it cool. They were both kinda hungry, so they decided that they would find something to eat. "Okay Marcy." Anne said outside of one of the train station's many shops. She put her hands on Marcy's shoulders. "We are going to have to steal. BUT stealing if justified if you need it, so don't get greedy."

          Marcy was taken aback. Did they really have to steal? And what if they got in trouble? Would they call Marcy's parents? She didn't want to go home! She just met the only person who's ever REALLY seemed to care about her! But she needed to focus now they had a job to do. Marcy entered the store, she cowered behind Anne. She definitely wasn't the stealing type. But Anne reassured her that they were fine.

          It was a sort of mom and pop shop. It had a rustic look, with old wooden shelfs and a soft orange ceiling light that lit the shop. Anne took Marcy behind a shelf and whispered to her "I have a few cents on me I'll buy a gum pack or something to not look suspicious, go pocket some granola bars or something." Marcy nodded. Her mind was running a thousand miles per hour. But she pocketed the granola bars. Anne bought the gum and they left the shop.

        Anne looked at Marcy with a smile. "How many did you get?" She asked. "I got 4." Marcy responded. "Cool. Now we gotta go!" Anne took Marcy's hand and they ran. They sat down and ate the bars they stole. Soon after they finished they spotted an old man. He was somewhat bald, and he had white hair. He wore brown overalls with a green under shirt. They over heard the conversation he was having with a homeless man. "I'm telling you what Sam..." the man began. "If I ever see those damned granola thieves again, I'll beat the devil outta em'." "Ohhhh boy..." Anne gulped. She started to stand up. Anne grabbed Marcy's arm and looked her in the eyes. "Psst! Marce! We gotta go man!" Marcy raised her eyebrow. But before she could protest, Anne tugged her up by her hand pulled her along.

           Anne and Marcy ran together hand in hand. "Anne! Where the hell are we going!" Marcy yelled. "Dude! That old guy was talking about us!" Anne exclaimed. Marcy didn't know exactly how long they were running for. But when they did stop they both collapsed on the nearest bench. They saw a few officers, but they weren't worried about them. "ATTENTION ALL CUSTOMERS GOING TO SEATTLE! THE TRAIN WILL DEPART IN 5 MINUTES!" A raspy voice said over the speakers. "That's us Marcy." Anne smirked. Anne grabbed Marcy's hand and they headed for the train. When the conductor turned his gaze to the main door of the train. The duo climbed into a car and shut the door.

              "Alright! Seattle here we come!" Marcy cheered. "Your real excited for this huh?" Anne snickered. "Yeah! This is a chance to start a new life!" Marcy stated "Now I never have to worry about my parents, about Sasha, about school, about-" "All a board!" The conductor yelled. Seconds later the train started up. "Wow, you sure had a lot to worry about huh?" Anne laughed. She crawled over to the car door and opened it up for some air. "Yeah..." Marcy sighed. "Hey cmon dude, Cheer up!" Anne smiled "Whatever happened is in the past. You don't have to worry anymore!" Anne explained. "And hey, you're with the most experienced run-away on earth!" Anne bragged. "Heh, yeah I guess." Marcy whispered. Anne sat down next to her putting a hand on her shoulder.

               They looked out the car door. "Well, we've got 2 hour to burn... what do you wanna do?" Anne asked "Hmmm... what about truth or dare? Whoever wins gets crowned the T or D queen!" Marcy suggested. "Oh you're on!" Anne laughed. The minutes passed like seconds... and before they knew it, they were in Seattle.

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