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"Don't go..." Marcy whispered. Anne let go of her and weakly smiled, as she was hauled off by the devils that ruled her life. Marcy fell to the ground shaking, with fear, with hurt. She felt like she was going to be sick.

"Don't go..." she whispered again, "I need you..."

She broke out in tears. "Don't go, don't go, don't go..." she repeated, cradling herself. She rocked back and forth. She wanted comfort. She needed it. She was having a panic attack. "What do I do!" She cried.
"Get the police!" The cores robotic voice yelled. "Right..." Marcy said wiping a tear from her eye.

Marcy readied herself and stood up... then immediately fell back down.

She tried again.

Same thing.

Marcy began to cry again. "I can't even stand up!" She wailed. "Look kid! Gimme the controls or something! I'll get them!" The core suggested.

Marcy hesitated. "B-but what... f-fine." Marcy sniffled. She entered her mind scape and yelled. "Give the core power to control me right now! And no more!" A sound played.

Marcy quickly stopped crying. The core straightened her up. It looked around. Then ran.

It ran into the center of Boston. "Officer!" Darcy yelled "Officer!"

A short cop scurried up to Darcy. "What is it ma'm?" "2 adults, one male, one female, and one female child have kidnapped another female child. They went in the westward direction, and were walking at a pace of 70 steps per minute. They are of the Wu family. The couple ha-" "Okay! Okay kid shut up! I'll get a squad to go west!" The officer scurried back to the police station, and the core gave control back to Marcy.

Immediately, more tears. Marcy was sobbing. But she kept standing. And walked stiffly back to the Plantar house.

She opened the door. Twig and Polly were playing Uno on the coffee table, and Hop Pop was taking a nap on the couch. Twig took one look at Marcy and yelled "Marcy what happened!" He yelled flaying his arms up and down.

Marcy stayed silent.

"What's all this ruckus abou- oh." Hop Pop got up, and put his hand on Marcy arm. "What happened my dear?" He asked. Marcy shook her head and crumpled to the floor.  

And she told them everything.

About her parents.

About Anne.

About the core.

All of it.

The Plantar's decided that it was best to leave Marcy alone. The gave her a quick hug and they left.

Marcy went downstairs, into her and Anne's  basement. She crawled into the bed.

Marcy was half expecting to bed hugged by her warm counterpart.

But no hug came

Half of her was expecting to be read to.

But no words came.

Half of her was expecting to be calmed down.

But no comfort came.

Half of her was expecting to be loved.

But no love came.

She couldn't sleep. Hours past, night fell. There was no word from the police.

At about 2:00 AM. Marcy couldn't take it anymore. She put on one of Anne's jackets. And left the house.

Marcy walked to the pond. The moon reflected off of the waters. It would've been beautiful, if not the worry's that clouded her head. Marcy fell onto the grass. She stared up at the stars, like her and Anne had done on the train to Boston.

There wasn't much sound. Only the soft hum of the street lights. Before she heard a strange noise.


Confused, Marcy got up.


Marcy looked around.


Now Marcy was confused. She looked behind her, and the sat a plump black cat with white spots. It had a weathered down collar, and she was licking her paw.

When it saw that Marcy had noticed her, she purred and approached her. Marcy flinched when she pushed herself against Marcy. She purred again and climbed into Marcy's lap.

"Hello lil' cutie..." Marcy sadly said. The cat meowed in response. Marcy looked at the collar of the cat...

"Domino." She read aloud. The cat purred at the mention of her name. "That's weird, Anne had mentioned she had a cat named Domino." Marcy shrugged off the coincidence.

"Your all alone, just like me..." Marcy sniffled. The cat licked its paw. "Alright, let's stick together." Marcy got up and walked a few steps, Domino followed. Marcy picked her up and carried her back to the basement.

Marcy climbed back into her bed.

It's so cold now... she thought.

Domino hopes up onto the bed as well. She circled around the spot she had chosen, she bounced her paws on it, then laid down.

Marcy scratched Domino behind her ears. "Meow!" Was her response.

Marcy settled down, she breathed deeply, until she awoke in the void once again.

"Are we going to talk about that? Or..." the core asked. "I really rather not." Marcy responded. "Right, of course. Would you like a dream instead?"Marcy thought for a moment. "Y-yeah..." she said, her voice beginning to break. A sound played in the distance, and Marcy was taken into the dream.

A distant sunset lit up the sky. Marcy was sitting over a ledge, dangling her feet over. It was a huge drop. But Marcy didn't mind. She was in a heavily wooded area, trees everywhere, at the bottom of the cliff, the was a large river that ran into the sunset. In the midst of the forest, there was a gravel path.

Marcy felt the breeze on her face, she was enjoying the moment so much, she didn't realize she was losing her balance. She only realized it when it was too late. "Wha- woah!" She yelled.

But before she could fall, she was caught by the collar of her shirt. The person pulled her up. Marcy lay flag on the ground, and fixated her eyes on her savior. "Anne!" She laughed extending her arms up. "Hey Mar Mar! You should be more careful!" Anne smiled. She took Marcy's head and put it on her lap. Anne brushed the hair out of Marcy's eyes, and booped her nose. "Pretty girl..." Anne said leaning her head on her hand. Marcy blushed and laughed. "You're so cheesy." She teased.

Marcy sat up between Anne's legs. And they watched the sun dip over the horizon. "I brought you something Marcy." Anne grinned. "What is it!" Marcy asked, jumping up. "Ta-da!" Anne present Marcy with a batch of red velvet cupcakes. Marcy gasped. "Anne... that's so sweet!" "Daw, it was nothing."

After eating nearly the whole batch. (Anne had to stop her because, that's not good for you!) Marcy laid down on the grass. Anne joined her. The sky was a shade of light purple, and the stars were clearly visible.

"You know you're my favorite, right Marce." Anne smiled hugging her. With tears in her eyes, Marcy turned away. "No you don't." She coldly said. "W-what do you mean." She asked. "You're the core! Y-you're just the core, you're not real!" She cried. Marcy got up and faced the cliff. Anne got up after her. "Marce! Are you okay?!" Marcy turned her back to the core. "Sorry this didn't work." She said. Marcy turned to the cliff, her face stained with tears of pain. Her eyes stinging. She put one foot over the edge.

And she fell.

She awoke with the felling of falling. She sighed and began to get ready for the day.

She went to the bathroom. And splashed cold water on her face.

"I'm going to have to get used to this..." she said with a sniffle.

Another day another chapter, that's the weekend for ya folks. Next chapter will be Anne's POV again. That's all!

(Words 1290)

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