Alone again... naturally.

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Holy crap 3K already! And number 3# in Marcanne! Wow thank you guys so much, I was told by a lot of people that I was a bad writer. But the numbers prove them wrong! Thank you!

By the way Marcy acted, you could tell she was miserable. Memories of Anne had overtaken her. She was worried sick. She wondered if Anne was scared. She wondered if Anne had escaped, or formed a plan.

She was also having trouble breathing. Probably because she now owned a cat.

And she was slightly allergic to cats.

And almost everything else.

Worst of all, Hop Pop had sold all his produce. So she didn't have a job to keep her occupied. She had begged Hop Pop to let her do some planting. But Hop Pop had said she should just rest.

She found herself walking to the lake often. Twig would join her sometimes, but it was mostly to keep up with his Swan boat job. So she was alone.

Twig tried to cheer her up. But he couldn't. No one could. Marcy was alone again.


One day she was staring up at the night sky. After dinner she had walked to the lake and sat down. She lied flat and stared at the pink sky.

She tried to imagine what Anne would say if she was here. But she couldn't. A week had passed since she had left. It was all to much.

She replayed the memory of Anne being taken away, over and over again.

But she found her mind wandering.

Wandering to a certain blonde. And where their friendship had gone south.


Marcy sat on the swings, waiting for Sasha to arrive. Sasha had finally agreed to Play DnD with Marcy. And Marcy was ecstatic. She had the whole game planned out. It would start in a tavern, and then a fight would start, and all the magic of DnD would come alive! She was swinging higher than she ever had before... when she got a notification on her phone.

Sasha- Hey Mar Mar! Omg I am SO sorry! Something came up and I had to bail! Can we reschedule to next week??

Marcy stopped swinging.

Oh uhm alright Sash, I hope you figure out whatever it was!

Marcy sighed and shoved her phone into her pocket. Sasha had already rescheduled the game 3 times. And it was getting annoying.

Marcy sadly hopped of the swing and stared the route to home.

She passed by the pawn shop. The supermarket. The outdoor mall food court. And the small shops in between. She walked by an ally way, when something caught her eye.

Sasha was leaned up, lighting a cigarette, while a ginger kid with a baseball hat was spray painting her name on the wall. The kid said something and Sasha laughed and coughed.

Marcy stared in disbelief.

She wasn't mad, more of concerned, Sasha had rescheduled their game to be a petty thug.

Marcy stared for a bit longer, then she decided to keep walking.

When she arrived at home, she immediately walked up to her room. Her parents weren't home, but she didn't really care, it was good that they weren't.

Marcy curled up in her bed. While she waited for something to happen.

But nothing did happen.

She was alone again.



Marcy sat up. She wasn't in the mood for anymore reminiscing.

She walked home. And empty expression plastered on her face.

She walked down to the basement and dragged herself to the bed. She flopped onto it and stayed there.

Would Marcy ever not be alone?

Sorry for the shorter chapter, there was a recent serious death in my family. I'm considering taking a short break because of that... anyways that you for the support. It makes me feel a hell of a lot better. We will be back with more Anne content next chapter. Thank you!

(Words 658)

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