Dragging you into this

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After eating, Hop Pop told Marcy and Anne that they could stay as long as they wanted. As long as they pulled their own weight. So they spent the day doing chores and catching up. When night fell Anne and Marcy got into bed.

As Marcy fell asleep, she felt a noise in her head.

It was clear.

Clear as day.

Marcy woke up in the black void. Nothing new, but this time Anne was there. "Anne!" Marcy yelled running over to her. "You can't be here!" "Wha? Why not?" Anne asked visibly confused. "Because she wants to protect you from me." The metallic voice said. Marcy's eyes widened.

The core grabbed Anne and tugged her towards their many eyes. "Gullible, gullible Marcy." The core said. "Nothings for free Marcy." It said. "Let her go! She doesn't have anything to do with this!" Marcy yelled with tears. "Fine." It said. The core dropped her from his grasp. She fell straight to the ground. I'm moving. "Anne!" Marcy ran over. "I-I trusted you!" She yelled to the core. It simply shrugged and turned away.

Anne turned her head up. "It's okay Marcy, I-It's okay." Anne weakly smiled, blood beginning to pour out of her mouth. "I love you Marcy. You know that right?" "Anne, no. Stay here! Please!" She cried into the darkness. Anne's form dropped. "She's now in a deep sleep." The core said. "She took your punishment." Before Marcy could question the core, she woke up.

Anne laid next to her. She was breathing. But not moving. Marcy cried. But she felt a pair of arms around her. "It's okay." Anne murmured. "I love you, you're okay."

The words echoed in Marcy's head. She wondered if Anne had seen the core. Or if that wasn't Anne at all. She felt betrayed by the core. But she was to tired to think anymore, so she fell asleep.

It's okay

Everything's okay.


(Words 326)

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