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Contrary to Marcy, Anne was well off. Of course, she still missed Marcy. But she was excited by meeting her parents after so long. She had also got her parents to contact the police about the Wu family. But best of all, she had sent out a letter to Marcy. And it was only by chance.

Anne had been walking down the street after her shift. The sun was still above the horizon, but was slowly setting. Anne hopped she would get back before to late, she hated dealing with drunks after dark.

Before, Anne had written a cringey love letter, and planed on sending it to her. But she decided not to. Besides, she didn't have money to pay postage. All she could afford were 60 cent stamps. But Anne kept the letter in her pocket.

She happened to walk by a guy, emptying a letter box. He had the classic leather messenger bag, and the blue uniform as well. Anne noticed that he was struggling to open the box. Seeing an opportunity, quietly, she slipped her letter into his bag. Just in time for him to get the box open.


Anne laid back on her bed. In another week, Marcy would write back, and soon, she would here from her beloved baby faced girlfriend. She closed her eyes, not noticing her friend Luz sneaking up on her. Luz took her pillow from her nearby bed, and began to wack Anne with it. "The heck dude!" Anne shot up grabbing the pillow. "It's dinner time man!" Luz responded "The Wu's get pissed, remember?" "Dinner already?" Anne asked. Luz nodded. Anne sighed.

The food the Wu's served was delicious. But there were so many rules. No elbow on the table. Wait five hours for the Wu couple to eat first. All while sitting at the table. Just looking straight ahead. Then before they eat they had to be inspected. Sit up straight, no complaining, staying silent. That's what they had to do, it was easy enough, but it was annoying. Meals with Anne's family were loud and cheerful. In the Wu family, it was silent and cold. It was very annoying. And the Wu's made sure to pick on Anne especially.

Anne reluctantly followed Luz to the blank hallway. The buzz of the lights remained, though one had begun blinking.

As they entered the dinner hall, it looked much different from the hall.

The dinning hall was huge. Everyone sat at the same long table. It looked like a palace. There were golden chandeliers, waiters, a giant kitchen, and a pool table. If we were lucky, the Wu's would let us play after dinner, but that was very rare.

There was a lot of disciplinary vibes in the room. Mrs Wu would go around after she ate, and smack people with a ruler if they didn't eat the 'right way.'

Anne ate anyways. Getting 'disciplined' whilst doing so. Unfortunately, today wasn't a pool day, so Luz and Anne went back to their beds.

For awhile, Anne tried to fall asleep. She wanted to forget about life for awhile, but she was brought back to reality by Luz. "They have a letter for you." She whispered. Anne was confused, why would anyone send a letter to her? It couldn't be Marcy, it had only been a week. It would take a week to get there, and a week for her response.

Anne got up and went to the main lobby. There stood the same postman, with the same bag Anne had slipped her letter into. "I'm assuming you're Anne B... correct?" "Yup!" Anne smiled. He handed her the letter and walked off.

Anne wave him off and looked at the letter. She opened it up, hopping it wasn't a bad thing. When she opened it...

She couldn't believe her eyes.

It was from Marcy! But how did the letter get there so fast? Anne scanned the envelope, there was no way this got there so fast... Anne rushed to the nearest computer. "Why did my mail deliver so fast?" She said as she typed out the words.

Doing a little research, Anne discovered that it only took 3 days for letters to be sent, it took large packages 2 weeks. Anne felt like an idiot, but she ignored the feeling and rushed to her room to read the letter.

Anne carefully read every word of the letter. Marcy said she was doing okay, and that she hopped they could be together again soon. She also said that Hop Pop has forcefully enrolled her into the local high school. (We'll see that argument next chapter folks.) she also said that she had made a few friends.

Anne smiled. Marcy deserved all the friends in the world.

She carefully folded the letter and shoved it into her pocket. She would write to Marcy tomorrow. "What are you smiling about?" A cold voice said. Anne opened one eye. Mr. Wu stood before her. "N-nothing sir..." Anne stuttered. "Hmph, we'll come outside, I need to speak with you." He looked around. "Privately."

Anne scanned his eyes. They were filled with doubt and worry. Anne nodded, and followed him out the back door.

The sounds of the city filled Anne's ears. The warm wind of LA hit her skin. She sighed in comfort, before she said "What do you want?" "I want my daughter back." "Why? So you can mistreat her? Not happening."

Guilt filled Mr. Wu's eyes. "I've made a mistake, after we dragged you here, I realized how wrong this. I was such a jerk to Marcy. But I want another chance. My father was the same as me. And I don't want to be anything like that monster..." Anne hesitated. She searched him for any feelings. But he only felt sad, and guilty.

Anne stared at him. "Fine." She muttered "What do I need to do?" Mr. Wu's eyes brightened. "You only need to pick up an odd job for the afternoon." "Cool, but why?" Anne asked. "We need to buy a ticket to Boston if we're getting Marcy back. If I pay from my finances, my wife will notice, we will be screwed." "Right."

Anne stuck her hand out at him, Mr. Wu awkwardly shook it. Then Anne turned around. And went back to her room.

Yup. Mr. Wu, the good guy. I imagine this to be like, an Odalia and Alador thing. I never though Mr. Wu to be a bad guy, he's just an Alador. Next chapter y'all's will meet the SodaPop's. One of Boston's gang of ruffians. Thank you for the support, writing these chapters are the best therapy. Ciao!

(Words 1114)

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